Is this movie available on DVD yet. I have searched for it but have only seen it available in VHS format. Thank you.


if this is the same one i have then yes. theres a website.. www.digiviewus.com might find it there..

or you could try searching amazon.com


We bought it a year or so ago on DVD. So I know its available.

I just now looked it up in Amazon and it looks like it is only available thru the sellers that list with Amazon, but not from Amazon itself. So I guess it is not currently released.


The domestic DVD is out of print, but there is an Australian one that can be found on the cheap if you have the ability to play it. Many DVD players purchased at retailers like Wal-Mart have the ability to be made regionless built-in. You can look up ways to do this on Google.

I love Australian DVDs, becasue I can often find odds and ends that are much harder to get domestically, or better versions. That the prices are on par with US DVDs doesn't hurt either (unlike, say, DVDs from the UK oftentimes).
