How old is the guy that....

How old is the guy that helped out the hound in the beginning of the movie/book?


um, that's Billy, and I'd say he was pretty old. Probably into his fifties or so, maybe not, i'm just going off the way he talks. he sounds like a pretty old guy.

Dear me! What is that unpleasant aroma? I fear the sewer may have backed up during the night.


In the first chapter of the book the man (Billy) says that his memories go back over half a century ago. When he tells the story of his youth he starts when he's ten years old so that would put him somewhere in his 60's.

I had seen the time when an old hound like that had given his life so that I might live


Ah, sharp eye. I own the book, I just usually skim over that part.

Dear me! What is that unpleasant aroma? I fear the sewer may have backed up during the night.


The math is inconsistent, but that doesn't sound like it's your inconsistency. I haven't read the book, but I note that it was published in 1961 and the flashback in the film is set in 1935 (good old Great Depression nostalgia).

In most places the story line seems to follow the book well. Anyway, I'll take the "1935" year at face value. 1961 - 1935 = 26 years. If he was ten years old in 1935 he can't be going back "over fifty years," in his memory. Though I also note that the cars parked around the mobile homes in the prelude of the movie look like early to mid 1970's vintage. That gets closer to fifty years, and if the cars were actually later models, then we get even closer. Still, the book was published in 1961, so.....

Anyway, that's on the book's author. 50 + 10 is definitely 60.
