A stupid scene!

One of the stupidest and most lame scenes in the history of the silver screen appeared in this movie! A jumbo 747 "heavy" flying at 30,000 feet dumps a passenger out and that poor soul lands right in the middle of the control tower where all the good guys are is ludicrous. Ya think that bad guy was soooooo smart that he planned that very move. He would be lucky if that passenger would even land in that airport..........Oh, and BTW he would be splattered beyond recognition.


I think a scene that was even stupider was the end when the bad guy gets killed but we don't even see it! What movie shows bad guy killing that many people, only to let us down by not showing him getting his? And how in the hell could his arm have bent to the point where a 10 inch spike could go into his heart without the spike having to be broken off first? They couldn't show how that happened? Oh, you know what that's called?...low budget special effects. This was by far one of the worst movies I have ever had the displeasure of having to sit through.


I agree with you but I just want to correct something. At this time the plane was flying under 10,000 feet. Martin had to lower the plane so he could use his cell phone with the tower.


This film had so many unanswered questions and plot holes that it becomes a challenge to keep track of them all. For example, what were the Czechs planning with the poison? And Elliot's agendas are very fuzzy as well.


I agree that this was a stupid scene - I got to thinking perhaps this was entended to be in 3D and the body crashing through would be a great effect.


Yes - one of the most ridiculous scenes ever!
