MovieChat Forums > Turbulence 2: Fear of Flying (1999) Discussion > What was the point of the hijacking?

What was the point of the hijacking?

Yeah the toxin in the cargo hold..

But what was the point of the hijacking?

Once the weapon had been dumped overboard why keep going, just give up alredy?

On that didn't he run out of ammo in the cargo hold? Where did the new bullets come from?


He was going to use the hotages for money. There was a throw away line regarding this. He said something like he couldn't get any money now from his previous plan so he will see how much he can get from the passengers.

The bullet question is a good one. There was one part in the movie where the gun should have needed to be reloaded seeing he fired all the bullets but in the next scene he's firing the gun again.


Perhaps a better question would be, what was the point of the movie? This movie goes on my list as one of the worse movies ever.
