Decent movie

I watched this movie the other day and thought it was good. Jackson and walker were convincing, also the plot was not the best in the world but decent enough to watch and understand. I thought the end was predictable but overall i liked The Skulls


i hate, i'm sorry but i have to tell u that i hate this movie


i am sorry for you, this movie is great, it have great plot, good directing and good actors.what a great movie!!!!!


I actually really liked it. I only bought it because I think Mr Walker is a sweet piece of ass (and yet a very poor actor) but it was a good film. And Mr Walkers acting was actually above average for once!

"It's a big rock.....Can't wait to tell my friends, they don't have a rock this big."



I have to disagree about the plot being predictable, especially since it is based on real-world events that happened to John Kerry and George Bush. And Craig T. Nelson does an awesome Karl Rove impersonation.

If you want to know more about this really secret society go to It is so secret, only this guy who goes by the mysterious nic of sumwon and hangs out on the comment sections knows the real truth.

Remember to use the secret password: "Dean for President".


it is based on "real-world events that happened to John Kerry and George Bush"....

that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.


it is, they belong to a societ called "skull and bone" and it sonly "loosely based"


I think it was an okay movie. I think up until the guy gets killed its interesting and good to watch but then it kinda goes down hill, i think he shouldn't have got killed so soon and we should have been shown more of life in the skulls. In my opnion, Joshua Jackson and Paul Walker make this movie worth seeing!


When I first saw the preview, I said
"Joshua Jackson & Paul Walker?!!"
Yummmmmmm...can't wait.
Then I watched it, and their hotness combined
couldn't really save the lame story line.
It could have been much better, but it wasn't too bad.
