MovieChat Forums > The Skulls (2000) Discussion > Skulling and The Skulls

Skulling and The Skulls

I think that this movie was poo. No, but seriously....

The acting was OK, but the story was uninspired. The funninest thing that I noticed was that the entire story was constructed on "pacey's" ability to Row.

From the onset, his rowing prowess was eagerly demonstrated on the waters. Throughout the tense, dramatic, visually stunning moments, that had me gripped, the proceeded to flash up "Pacey's" training on the "Old-skool" rowing machine, with stunning "out-of-focus" camera shots.

Then, just to put the icing on the already over iced, lump of icing, the end of the movie showed our hero "dawson" no sorry, the fat one, "Pacey", Skulling to freedom, from the Skulls.

For those of you unfamiliar with rowing terminology, SKULLING is the art of rowing a single, small boat, with 2 oars, by yourself.

It appears to me, that this rowing progression, is an anti-mirror to his progression through the elite SKULL group. As he left the SKULLS, he himself became a Skuller...

I mean, What the hell!

All in all, the only part I liked was the wicked guitar song..("taste" by lorna vallings)

God bless,
A Fan


"For those of you unfamiliar with rowing terminology, SKULLING is the art of rowing a single, small boat, with 2 oars, by yourself."

Actually... 'SCULLING' is the act of rowing a boat with two oars, these boats could consist of 1,2,4 or even 8 rowers... Even as a rower, I still thought this movie blew...


I apologise for the error!
but I agree, it was pretty poor


Heh, I live in the port town that all the rowing was filmed (as I was rowing at the time). I witnessed the fiasco of when the remote controlled airplane they were using to film the overhead shots nosedived into the water. They had to send divers out to retrieve it. The water isn't terribly deep (12 ft max), but it is murky.

As for the rowing, you can tell the other crews (experienced) were not trying at all, just so the movie star boat won. Hilarious! I was close to being an extra, but couldn't commit because of my crew and work.

I was close to getting to meet Mr. Jackson, but at the time he was giving out autographs, there were too many "teeny boppers" around bugging him.

"If You're Going To Bad Mouth A Movie, Give Us A Better Example!!!"


i happened to like the skulls and joshua jackson did get fat but he is bak to normal now so he is pretty good looking

