MovieChat Forums > The Skulls (2000) Discussion > Question about rowing crew. Cadence

Question about rowing crew. Cadence

For some reason this always bothered me. During the race, Will is yelling some kind of cadence at the rowers. To me, someone who has never rowed crew, it just sounds like a bunch of meaningless numbers. Can anybody tell me what the numbers signify? At first I thought he was just counting their strokes. "There's one! . . . . . That's two!", etc. After awhile though, he begins yelling all sorts of numeric combinations. Just curious.

Pete's Wicked Ale? Who the hell is Pete? F **k Pete!


bump. saw this scene again the other day and it still irritates me.

The road to failure is paved with good intentions.


They are counting their strokes, but not how many times they flip the oars, its how many stroked they are ahead of the boat leading them.


He's yelling out where they are in relation to the other crews how many seats ahead etc. the rowers can't turn to look or they throw off the balance in the boat. Also he gets them to do power 5s little stronger strokes here and there to give them a boost. The Coxie sets the pace and basically controls the boat.
