MovieChat Forums > The Skulls (2000) Discussion > if the frats are so secret....

if the frats are so secret....

then how come people know about them and know their names?



They're also not frats; they are secret societies. Those are very different things.







The freemasons are not a secret society. If they were, they wouldn't publish membership roles, list their lodge numbers in the phone book with the address, wear rings indentifying them as Masons, etc, etc. By the way I am a Mason. More of a society with a few secrets (handshakes, passwords, ritual elements). That's it.


And what degree have you achieved?


To respond to this - There are actually only 3 Degree's in Masonry; At least in the main Freemason lodge itself. Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason.

The other degrees you hear about 4th - 32nd (and the mysterious 33rd) are actually apart of the Scottish Rite and the York Rite and are additional degrees one can achieve only after becomming a Master Mason; But in Freemasonry there is no degree more important for someone to achieve then the Master Mason (3rd) degree.

Likewise, someone who is a 24th degree, or 32nd degree is not 'higher' or hold more 'authority' then a 3rd degree - Also keep in mind that no one Freemason speaks for the group, a misconception that has led to many anti-masonic feelings and conspiracy theories.

Freemasonry is not a secret society but instead a society with secrets.

As for the 33rd degree that I mentioned, incase anyone has heard of this; It is an additional degree which is presented to a Mason who has performed a great service to the community/lodge, ect.

Hope that helps


my grandfather was a 3rd degree black belt, though he tells a story that he found the black belt in a men's changing room


The first Fraternity was founded at the college of William and Mary, a school that has no secret societies. While fraternities have secrets, they are usually about pledging, not the fraternity itself. The freemasons are not thought to be of greek origins which many fraternities claim to be from.


Secret societies are a type of frat in definition. The secret societies just are rumored to have a lot more power in the world and aren't frats in the rapey college douchebag guys sense of the word.



its the same as all the gossip around mistresses of world leaders, we all know a thing about it, but not the exact thing. If nobody knew about 'The Skulls' it would have been of no use, the name has a treath in it. Hearing the skulls is to scare people. If i'd make clear that i was a member of the "woopie society' and nobody knew what it was, they would be scared, if people do, it IS scary. It's all about the name.

I Amsterdam


i'm sure it's different at every school, but the skulls are a real frat, i know because they're at my school, but i'm pretty sure the producers kind of just took the name and ran with it


or the frat boys at ur school took the name and ran with it sounds more likely



ill let you guys on a little secret... in dallas fort worth texas in the petroleum club tower ( not the SC elevator but the other elevator down the hall ) ... theres only one button on the elevator which takes you to the 32nd floor... once you there head right down the hall and look to your right about 3 doors down and youll see the freemason room with its symbol on the door which is exclusive to certain people. Nobody can get into this building unless your apart of the petroleum club or a "special guest" , but if you ever get into it then i suggest you check out what ive said.



Skulls are a real fraternity, its Phi Kappa Sigma. Obviously they have no relation to the movie.


It's very obvious that in the movie they are talking about the Skull and Bones of Yale.


"This is no old boy network...this is a vicious group of interbreeding blood lines seeking to impose their will and their structure of life upon the global

-David Icke


one secret society that was supposed to be kept secret from us is the Bilderberg Group. Every year there is a secretive meeting held that is attended by some of the worlds wealthiest and most powerful individuals. The majority of the attendees are billionaires, and they control the world's most powerful financial establishments and businesses. Participants of this meeting include kings, queens, princes, chancellors, prime ministers, ambassadors, presidents of nations, presidents of the most wealthy banks in the world, the CEO of the Dow Jones stock market, the CEOs of major gas companies, past US Presidents, high ranking government officials, highly influential and select media representatives, and other absurdly rich people of power. Although this attendance list consists of the immensely powerful elite who affect the majority of world events, it is never covered by the mainstream media and the secrecy of what is discussed is kept highly guarded. a
There are usually 115 participants in each annual meeting. Eighty are from Western Europe and the remainder from North America. From this mixture, one-third are from government and politics, and the remaining two-thirds from industry, finance, education and communications. The meeting was named after the hotel that the first meeting was held at in 1954. Anyone who is who tries to enter the meeting uninvited is instructed to be removed at all costs, and if resisting the individual is to be shot and killed where he stands. The purpose of this secretive annual meeting is to provide a forum where the worlds most powerful individual's can discuss and direct world events without anyone knowing what they are determining. If these elite world rulers had nothing to hide this meeting would at least be spoken about publicly.



i think the best way for a secret society is to create a decoy , so while everyone is talking about Skulls and Illuminatis, the real one are out there doing their evil deeds without anyone looking or searching.
