
How can a man contridict himself so much yet still have faith in what he believes and does? First example is that he believes in capital punishment, but also believes in the innocence of human life. Is it just me or does something just not add up there? Second, he goes on a rant after building an electric chair about other states asking him to fix their death machines. And then he goes ahead and does them anyway. And then, he has the gaul to call himself a gas chamber expert when earlier in the film he claimed not to be! How can anyone take this man seriously. I truly believe that he is scum and I don't believe that men like him should be allowed to live. I became sick watching this film

I'm a stalker in a Taurus


First of all, he didn't say he believed in the innocence of human life. He said he believed in the dignity of human life and death.
Your second point is incorrect also. He believed that building a more effective electric chair was more humance.
Your third claim that he was not a gas chamber expert could apply to Steven Spielberg and a seemingly endless number of others that few if any, ever question also. Why don't they?


T-Rex, you're an idiot. seriously. moron. And your third point is irrelevant; the man claimed he was not a gas chamber expert, then that he was. He said late in teh film that he was "the only one" that could do the testing, when in actuality Zundel and his lawyers needed someone they could claim as an expert who would be idiotic enough to screw it all up - and naive enough to believe his own lies.

We don't believe Spielberg when he says they were gas chambers. We believe the survivors who say there were. We believe the soldiers who say there were. We believe the historians like Van Pelt who say there were. We believe the documentary footage of millions of emaciated people standing behind barbed wire, of dead, naked bodies being dumped into mass graves. We believe the IRREFUTABLE truth that there were gas chamber there, that the mass graves exist. Eisenhower had German citizens from the cities surrounding concentration camps bury the unburied and unburnt dead so that the world - and especially Germany - would never forget.

I guess it didn't work, but I rest assured that people like you are idiots and because of your beliefs will never get anywhere in life, like Leuchter. I can't say I don't feel sorry for him. To a certain degree, I do, but he deserves what he got for lending credibility to evil *beep* like yourself. I believe in karma and I believe that you, if your life doesn't suck already (which I have to assume it does, what else would turn you into such a disgusting human being?), are in line for a very rough patch in your life.

Go to hell.
