Leuchter was right

After spending some time researching this story I have found out that Leuchter's cyanide test results have since been confirmed twice, once by the authorities at Auschwitz who then locked the results away so nobody could see them (fortunately someone took copies of them and distributed them secretly) and then again by a German chemist called Germar Rudolf in a pamphlet called ‘The Rudolf report’ (which is freely available online & would have been available for the filmmakers at that time). The Rudolf report is a must read and for me irrefutable, the gas that the Germans allegedly used to kill Auschwitz outcasts was being used by them elsewhere on the camp in delousing chambers, it’s called Zyclon B and it was used to kill lice which were in turn killing the prisoners in large numbers. The lice would infect the prisoners with a disease called typhus, which was fatal and fairly renowned in Europe at that time for cropping up in war like conditions, in fact in many wars before this one, more people died as a result of typhus than were killed in action so the Germans were fairly well prepared to deal with it.
They would put prisoners clothing in these delousing chambers then lay down the gas pellets which would disinfect the clothing. When Germer Rudolf tested these disinfection chambers he noticed that due to the constant use of this gas it had reacted with the walls and stained them blue, right through to the exterior of the wall which is still present today (which incidentally disproves James Ruth’s assertion that the gas would only penetrate to 10 microns of the brickwork) this produced high residue test results. However the alleged homicidal gas chambers showed no signs of residue and produced zero test results so they could not have been used as homicidal gas chambers like nearly all historians claim. There is also a claim that less gas is needed to kill humans than lice because the lice are so small but Rudholf showed that a lot of Zyclon B would have been needed to kill humans in the short time frame that the witnesses claimed and also because the walls in the homicidal gas chamber were more porous they would take in more residue than the delousing chambers meaning the test results should have been roughly the same but definitely not zero.
Another interesting point Rudholf made was that Zyclon B was so dangerous for the administrators to use during and after gassings( as the bodies still dispense gas after death) and so expensive and difficult to get a hold of that there were far better ways the Germans could have used to off the unwanted prisoners, a nearby factory was producing excess carbon monoxide which is cheap and abundant and far less dangerous, the official holocaust story kind of relies upon Germans being stupid and inefficient which if anyone knows anything about the Germans is exactly what they are not, there are many other things Rudholf points out and I would recommend you check it out, of course he has been subjected to the same conspiratorial harassment as Leuchter even having to flee his own country chased by people who Professor Norman Finkelstein refers to as ‘The Holocaust industry’ yet despite this his results remain unchallenged.
A word about Professor Van pelt’s remarks, he claimed there was evidence of gas introduction openings in the gas chambers via holes made in the reinforced concrete roof, for which there are no drawings of, also and unfortunately for him these holes just simply do not exist in the ruins of the gas chambers today, he calls Auschwitz the holiest of holies, he’s basically preaching a religion and all his claims have very simple and logical explanations for example he claims that the SS ordered gas detectors in order to use them for detecting if the gas had been removed from the room after gassings yet the testers they ordered were flue gas analysers intended to determine the exhaust gas composition of oven gases, these were standard for use in crematoriums, Van Pelt like others before him have concocted a conspiracy theory based largely on spurious eye witness accounts none of which are remotely reliable and a variety of documents containing euphemisms but nothing concrete.

In short (and unfortunately for anti-Germans) you can't argue with science and one thing people should notice in this documentary is that they don't actually challenge Leuchter's test results, they merely challenge his academic credentials and methods, had they really wanted to refute his results or any Holocaust historian for that matter they would go there themselves and do the tests that Germar Rudholf and Fred Leuchter have done but they haven’t because they know it’s all nonsense propaganda and they won’t find anything.
Please also note that the idiots that come on screen calling Fred an anti-Semite provided no evidence whatsoever for this claim.
For those who rely on the fact that weight of numbers alone solidifies the Auschwitz gassing story must realize that the first person who claimed the earth was round was equally ostracized, after the war the Western allies needed a justification for their participation, the initial excuse of protecting Polish independence had long been annihilated, Poland was handed rather dismissively over to the Soviets and so they concocted the gas chambers story as well as other nonsense like soap made of Jews, pelvic bone ashtrays and shrunken heads! You need to ask yourself if there was no Holocaust how else could you justify this war? So the Germans became evil, the most evil people in the whole universe etc etc
Many people died in Auschwitz that’s true but not from being gassed, they mostly died from typhus for which the Germans did their best to control, the real ‘deniers’ are the Holocaust historians, there are no bodies, no murder weapons, no incriminating documents & no reliable eye witnesses yet the Germans were convicted in a set of trials conducted solely by their enemies and everyone believes it!! Wake up world your being duped.
I would also like to commend Fred Leuchter for sticking to his principles despite all he has been through, a lesson for all of us, 2+2 does not equal 5 and don’t let anyone tell you different.


Did you see the movie you're talking about? The employee of the lab who carried out the testing said himself that the tests had no meaning, as they were heavily diluted and were not tests of surface area.

Further, the gas chambers were destroyed in an attempt to hide what was happening there, so testing the reconstructed chambers means nothing. Some of the surface areas that make up the inside wall could have been on the outside during the war, or they could have been part of another building altogether.

There is extensive proof that millions of Jews were killed during the holocaust. Hitler said: "And we say that the war will not end as the Jews imagine it will, namely with the uprooting of the Aryans, but the result of this war will be the complete annihilation of the Jews." So you're saying that the Nazis pledged to wipe the Jews off of the Earth, and then kindly kept them in a 5 star hotel while they tried to keep them healthy?

I have ancestors who died in those camps, and I have one ancestor who survived them. Many of us do, and those people know what they saw. Your denial, and Fred Leuchter's denial, is nothing more than spitting on the graves of 6 million innocent people. Population of the Jews in Europe before the war: 9.7 million. After the war: 3.6 million. What happened to those people? Did lice kill them?

Nobody in the film called Leuchter anti-semitic. They certainly may have said so in real life, but not in the film. You have to forgive some people, they wrongly assume that it requires hatred to embrace something as stupid and plainly wrong as holocaust denial.


"Nobody in the film called Leuchter anti-semitic. They certainly may have said so in real life, but not in the film."

Actually Shelley Shapiro, the Director of Holocaust Survivors & Friends Education Center says at 01:08:02 in the film quite explicitly: "There is no slippery slope for Fred Leuchter. The man is an anti-semite"

Did you watch the film?


A review by Michael Hoffman which seconds the fact that Leuchter was called "anti semitic" -


