Shane West's accent?

Was shane's accent supposed to be British. Sometimes it sounded as if it was supposed to be british but also mixed in with a bunch of other accents. I missed the first few minutes of this film so am not sure if i missed out on something important.


There's no such thing as a British accent, but if you mean English then yes, I presume it was supposed to be English - but it's unbelievably bad (but probably intentionally so).

European Cup Winners '99


I do recall a scene where Berke calls him on his accent - I'm assuming the character is American, trying to do an English accent (for theatre image...) and failing miserably - sounds like an English-Australian-New Zealand hybrid accent for a lot of it...

Seems this may well have been intantional - just another way to demonstrate his character's shallow nature?


I noticed that in the pop video near the beginning, he sang with an american accent. Then he speaks with some awful kind of London accent, and frankly I didn't want an explanation i just had to stop watching, it made me cringe. In fact the first 15 mins were dreadful (bar Kirsten in a bikini) so i had to change channel.




HI, I'm a I just wanted to add that even if the accent did/was supposed to be fake I still think it was hott!!! .

Also I don't know if amyone noticed, but in the goofs it says:

-Continuity: When Berke, Felix, and Dennis are walking down the sidewalk(before Berke goes into the music store) they pass the same window that says "LAW OFFICES" twice.

When if you have watched the movie... it's actually the same building... there's just two windows with "LAW OFFICES" on it



No, I stand to correct you and say that Welsh, English, Northern Irish and Scottish accents are all DIFFERENT, yet they are all British. The OP clearly should have said English.


His accent might be the best part of the movie, if you ask me.

watch a highlight reel from the movie here!


the best part of the movie is clearly miss dunst and miss kunis in bikinis.



If you listen to the director and writer commentary track on the DVD, they make it clear the accent was intended as an affectation. I think this could have been made clearer to the audience if, for instance, Striker had simply dropped the accent entirely when speaking privately to Berke. That, combined with a couple of times the accent falters in moments of stress would have let us all in on the joke.


I totally agree, the accent's so obviously intentional - otherwise why would Berke have even mentioned Striker's flaw and draw attention to what could have been misconstrued as bad direction?


Then again, a joke usually isn't funny anymore when the person listening needs it explained.


the commentary on the dvd said that the accent was supposed to sound fake so i doubt they had a particular dialect in mind


The accent was great, but so fake! I do wish they would have had him confess that it really was a fake accent in the end, that would have been an awesome joke.


Berke made a crack at him that he was beginning to sound like Mary Poppins. It was no accent I had ever heard before but when he first spoke I thought he was trying for (and making a dog's dinner of) an Australian accent. One poster mentioned some sort of English/Australian/New Zealand cocktail with perhaps even a hint of South African in there. But whatever it was, it was actually quite irritating. A pity really, there was no need for it.

He gave to Mis'ry all he had, a tear,
He gained from Heav'n ('twas all he wished) a friend


how come everyone is america thinks us english talk like the queen..? =/


I don't recall anyone saying that? In a way though it's rather like someone on the European side of the Atlantic not being able to distinguish between the multiplicity of American accents.

He gave to Mis'ry all he had, a tear,
He gained from Heav'n ('twas all he wished) a friend


Not really, plus some Americans even think Australian and English accents sound the same! Why do they all think we either speak like the queen or like Eliza Doolittle!?

"I know you can be under whelmed, and you can be overwhelmed, but can you ever just be whelmed?"


worst. accent. EVER.

"but ya ARE Blanche! Ya ARE in that chair!!"


I always thought even if you have an English accent don't you sing regularly? I can't tell the difference between when a british person is sing and an american. At least he tried to do an English accent! What about when movies are set in the south? I lived in Chicago until i was 11 then, a southern state for 7 mor years and now i'm back in Illinois. And i have a thick accent.


I love the accent, it's so obviously trying to be smooth and international and interesting but failing so miserably but I guess he just assumes that if most of these American highschoolers haven't been to (god knows where the accent was meant to be) England then they won't know it's terrible. I think it's great acting by Shane West to do a really bad accent but keep it mostly sounding the same awfulness.


does anyone knw where to get the song 'alison' as sung by shane in the movie??


i think it's an elvis costello song. maybe u should check that out!


the song "Alison" is an elvis costello song. my parents named me after it!! its a good one...but i'm biased :-)


Ok you people are missing the point of his accent. He wasnt trying to be anything in particular he was JUST doing the accent in order in impress the ladies at the high school. It wasnt australian or anything of that matter. He just came up with some crappy accent and told storied of when he toured the world so the females at the school would want him. Hence the reason the accent was so horrible..which made the movie even that much more hilarious, If you thought his accent was real then i dont know what to say to for everything wrestling


that was not a british accent at all. It wasn't even a London accent - you show me an accent everyone in london speaks with and i'll show you a liar. As a Brit listening to it I can only assume it was intended to be awful because if thats Shane West's idea of a British accent he'll find himself with a lot of hatemail from us Brits. Also has anyone seen him in once and again coz that's what he sounded like in that too...


umm...A lot of people are saying his accent sounds Australian, but that is NOT true. Otherwise, don't you think he'd sound like CrocodileDundee or Steve Irwin or whoever, cos that's what I've heard Americans and English etc say we sound like... But we don't. I think we jsut speak faster than English, and our accents aren't as rounded (believe me, we spent almost 5 months going over this in Drama). It was just a bad English accent, done by an American who isn't the most fantastic actor in the world. Though I have to say he did a pretty good job of doing a bad accent!!!!!!!!!!



i am from england and im crap at distinguishing accents lol.


i loved his accent. Even though it wasnt real. His character is awesome! Another thing Burke needs to lay off of him. lol


To all those who say that all American's are ignorant because we can't tell the difference between certain accents, I'd ask you to differentiate between accents of people from all over the South with some accuracy. Hell, try and differentiate between the accents of people from all over Texas and I'll give you a cookie!

Personally, I can tell the difference between the accents of people from Wales, Ireland, Scotland and England and I think that's good enough. Just because I can't tell if your from North or South England by your accent doesn't mean I'm an imbecile (though I *did* hear once that people in North England tend to sound less educated a la people in the Southern US).

Oh, and it tends to be a bit easy for me to tell the difference between people from Austrailia and people from New Zealand, but mostly because I'm in love with New Zealand accents.

"I go online sometimes, but everyone's spelling is really bad, and it's depressing." -Tara


>If you listen to the director and writer commentary track on the DVD

on The dvd I have, There is no commentary track - I would really like to hear you have a special ediiTion dvd?


I know the accent was bad and i think it is made clear it is a fake but i think it is just so funny it cracks me up. and if u listen to the song allison he sings in is regular voice but later when he sings love me hermia it is his "fake" accent



He's American. He made his voice British for the movie.


the guy's accent was absolutely diabolical. i'm english and there sure as hell aren't people in the U.K that sound like that! i agree with the other replies; the guy's accent is a fusion of an australian , new zealand, english and welsh acent. dreadful. his accent wasn't that good either. for goodness sake, why is he singing in an american accent? no offence guys but with hollywood movies, if they want to cast a person who can do a REALISTIC and TRUTHFUL english accent... THEY SHOULD BLOOMING WELL CAST A BRITISH ACTOR!


"There's no such thing as a British accent..." What the hell is that??
Ask anyone in the world what a British accent is and they will know exactly what you are talking about. No one says English, because wouldn't that imply that it's only England? Not to sound uninformed, but people generalize all types of accents from Great Britain (England, Wales, you name it) as British...not English....British.
You stand corrected.

my god you are dumb. Britain contains England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. the accent in the film in English, not British. if it were british it would be a messed up verion of scottish, english, welsh and irish.
4 different countries under the same queen.

did you just touch my squirrel?
well, you're like some julie andrews then.


I was about to make that very same point, thank you josie_me...

no one says English, because wouldn't that imply that it's only England?

Yes, that's the point! He didn't sound Scottish, Welsh or Northern Irish. He sounded English. There is no such thing as a British accent. If you pay attention, you'd see that everyone from those four countries speaks VERY differently!

"what am I? I'm Jay! That's gorgeous." ~ "nyak nyak nyak spukadidunk"


"(though I *did* hear once that people in North England tend to sound less educated a la people in the Southern US). "

I'm from the North of England (Derbyshire), and I have to say that I don't entirely agree! We do have a much broader dialect than the southerners, and as such a lot of people have difficulty understanding what we are saying. For example, we often drop "the" from our sentences, as in "I'm just poppin' down t'shops."

And as most Northerners will agree, London or Croyden accents sound like nails down a chalk board. As Dylan Moran once pointed out, people who speak in a Croyden accent sound like if you hit them, they would just go splat.

"I am not full of helium, you know" "No, you just sound like it when you get excited"


The Croydon accent isn't that bad. I happen to like the dialect forms from all over England and especially the variations within cites. Also there is no such thing as a 'London' accent, it varies from borough to borough and within boroughs too.


People are so sensitive about accents..........

I think it was intended to be horrible and fake. I thought they (tried to) make it clear when he said "I thought you could possible detonate it a bit--" and then he said in an american accent "early".

741 days until 2008
