Shane West's accent

Shane West has the WORST English accent i have ever heard in this film!!!!
does anyone agree???



it was bloody awful. i couldnt help but cringe



its not a notion! iv never heard any american pull off a decent english accent! but americans probly think that english people can't do proper american accents so...

and yer i think its because hes playing a pretentious actor who is putting on a english accent to make himself sound 'sophisticated' and its supposed to be bad so its funny


I disagree. Renee Zellweger is not half bad at it.

Come forth, villagers. Bring thy torches and pitchforks.



I thought his accent was bad, but that just made it funny. However, my friend actually thought he was English and was shocked when he realised he wasn't. ha ha my friend is an idiot!! Which is funny when he prides himself on his abilty to tell where people come from after hearing their accent. Safe to say, he was ashamed lol

And Reene Zellweger (don't think I spelled that right! lol) had a great English accent. She rocked as BJ!!


it was supposed to be bad... note all the 'what's up with that accent' lines and the 'you sound like mary poppins' one too...

but it took me two viewings of the movie to catch that, i was horrified at first also


I thought the bad fake accent that was meant to be like that, was actually a really funny point in the movie.

And I thought Renee Zellewage did a fantastic accent as Bridget Jones. Although its a little Queens English for my liking, it would probably be how someone would speak coming from Bridgets background, so she did it very well.

Look sometimes I say things out of context...


It seemed so fake and out of place I wondered if it had been dubbed.

If you're not achieving what you want, is it because you're too lazy or too scared?




Its the accent that UK "celebs" adopt after they've been in the US for a long weekend.

Take Joss Stone at the Brits. Infact, just take Joss Stone.



Angelina Jolie had a great english accent in the Tomb Raider films!!


Yes I agree I thought Shane West was bad on purpose - I laughed at the accent just as much as some of the jokes :)


He was definitely supposed to have a bad English accent as incandescenthumor said, that the 'what's up with that accent' and 'you sound like mary poppins' lines were there for a reason..


Gwyneth Paltrow has a flawless English accent. The first 2 films of hers I saw were Shakespeare In Love and Sliding Doors. I thought she was English, I was totally shocked when I found out her natural accent is what she speaks every other time I've heard her. Oh, I'm English btw.

Anyone remember Brion James' accent from Tango and Cash? I was truly confused by it when I first saw the film, I really couldn't work out what was intended. I thought at the time that, on balance, it was probably a really bad Aussie accent lol. Since then, based on the words he speaks, I've decided that it's probably supposed to be English. Still probably the worst one I've ever heard, given that Shane West's is deliberately bad. And of course there is Robert Downey Jr in Natural Born Killers. Another horrible English/Aussie mix from trying to do an English accent. And how about Don Cheadle in Ocean's Eleven? Those are the 3 worst I can remember.

At this point I have to mention James Marsters (Spike from Buffy). As I said, I am English and I never once suspected he isn't. Didn't find out till like the 4th or 5th season when I saw him interviewed. Apparently he had the p1ss taken roundly for his Mary Poppins accent but I never suspected. I always thought he was an Englishman putting it on. Joss Wheedon is totally capable of that kind of joke. I'm kind of embarrassed that I bought it, but I'm not the only one. I've got friends who are huge Buffy fans that say exactly the same thing, they never suspected. Funny though, I always thought Juliet Landau (Drusilla) had a terrible accent and wasn't fooled by that for a second. They're not that different, but Spike's just has a ring to it.


lol that was my favorite part of the film! his accent! it was so terrible!


shane west is soo hot, but i do have to agree, his accent was gahhh...i mean, he had to keep on changing his volume just to make it sound descent..hmm..he's a good actor though!

I have superhuman powers, but my therapist took them away.


I thought he was just being some random person when he came out with the accent, as if his character was american doing an awful british accents. Then as the movie went on I realised he was actually supposed to be British! Agreed, terrible!!!


Anyone who says the opposite and that Brits can't do American accents is wrong.

Try watching House.

Damn It, Janet!



ONE MORE TIME: The movie made very clear that he was an American teen who had spent a few years overseas because his father was in the foreign service (diplomacy work). So he was trying to fake an English accent because he thought it would fool the American gals into thinking he was sophisticated -- which is exactly what the Allison character initially said about him. Various lines in the movie make fun of his accent BECAUSE they realized that he sounded fake (thus, "the Mary Poppins accent" was B. Lander's line).

I'm amazed that in a comedy movie that EXPLAINED the bad accent multiple times that so many in the audience failed to understand THE ACCENT WAS MEANT TO BE A JOKE! Shane West did a great job of doing an impersonation of a BAD English accent. (It was a PARODY of a mixed-up, silly English/Australian accent.)

Also, when he used the fake accent right after he read the cast postings by doing a sendup of a famous movie line: "We're gonna ROCK!" [Something like that.] This was yet another little parody. (I forget what that one is from. Spinal Tap?? I'm sure somebody can correct me on this one.)



It's meant to be awful and to be obviously fake. It's one of the red flags of how much of a shallow poser the character is. Colin Hanks's character even comments on it early on, saying West sounds like Madonna (who was living in the UK at the time and appeared on multiple talk shows sporting a bizarre faux posh English accent).
