MovieChat Forums > The Replacements (2000) Discussion > Football is far superior to Soccer

Football is far superior to Soccer

I like soccer but I will never understand the rest of the world's complete obsession with this sport. It is a beautiful game but there is no sport more thrilling and Beautiful Than gridiron football. You have NFL in America and Canadian Football (which a friend of mine recently got me interested in) which are both amazing and intricate games. I truly believe American Football is the worlds greatest sport and if the rest of the world were introduced to it, over time they would grow to love it as well.


I prefer football to futbol but it's about personal preference.

I believe soccer gained popularity because all the equipment, basic, needed for kids is a ball, it has less physical contact, and gender neutral within the same game.


Football is greater than soccer, but nowhere near as badass as ice hockey.


Absolutely, ice hockey is mighty. The only other sport that comes close to it in terms of speed, hitting and excitement in my opinion is rugby.


soccer is popular because it's the cheapest sport to play and the easiest from a basic fundamental perspective. Countries which are dirt poor can play it no problem and it's not hard to understand. All the big 4 north american sports (basketball, baseball, football, and hockey) require more equipment and have more rules. Those sports also require more than 2 skills while soccer only requires running and kicking.


"Running and kicking"!?Spoken like someone who knows crap about soccer aka real football.

As for being popular because is "cheaper", that argument doesn't hold water either.
Look at baseball, it's the most popular sport in very poor countries in the Caribbean (Cuba, DR) and in most of the Central American countries.
Basketball is also very popular in some poor African and Eastern European countries.
And it doesn't require any more equipment than sawker


I love both sports fairly equally. It hurts me to say it but the reason why soccer fails to go mainstream here in America is b/c the average American sports fan lacks the patience required to be a fan of "the beautiful game". We fans have been cultured to require instant gratification in our sports. You need to look no further than to how the rules of football have changed over the last 20 yrs making for a more dynamically offensive game. Football will continue to evolve, as will baseball eventually. However, soccer and hockey will probably stay the same. No need to change those sports


Hockey has made changes to try and open up the game offensively, and for years people have been pushing for more changes, like shrinking the size of goalie pads. The last big shakeup I can remember was around '05, when they did away with Two Line Pass infractions, tweaked the dimensions of the rink and I believe made goalie pads somewhat smaller. I don't think it really accomplished what they hoped it would though. I forget what year it was, but it wasn't too long ago when they added shootouts to NHL regular season games. Maybe that was '05 too.

See you guys at the 10 year prison reunion - Ben Richards


I don't get how a game where the ball is thrown around all the time can be called 'football'


The reasons simple. The full name of the sport is gridiron football. The game is derived from various gridiron sports that were invented elsewhere as well as aspects of futbol. Also, many sports that were popular when American football was in its infancy were played on horseback, so the game came to be known as "Football" to distinguish it from games played on horseback such as polo. The name has little to do with its currency iteration and everything to do with its birth and influences.

I wish Europeans understood this.


I don't get how a game where the ball is thrown around all the time can be called 'football'


Gridiron football is great in movies like this one. In real life is quite boring to watch. Though a little fun to play with your mates in a park.


Both football and soccer are mind-numbingly boring. Soccer has too few goals and football has too little football(

Hockey, basketball, and rugby are the most entertaining to watch.
