fave level?

i personaly love the great wall and temple of xian

whats your fav?

lilly:thats it im gunna sprinkle their winkles



My 1st favourite is Venice, 2nd favourite is Ice palace and 3rd favourite is Barkhang monastry.




Loved the Floating Islands and the final showdown with the dragon.

Absolutely HATED the opera House level. I am a very big fan of Tomb Raider (it brought me up in a rather absent house) but I found this level to be tedious and irritating.



I quite liked the Opera House actually, it had a very interesting design, irritating as it was.

My faves are;
1. Tibetan Foothills
2. Barkhang Monastery
3. The Deck
4. Wreck Of The Maria Doria
5. Opera House


I think I liked leves 7-10 and the showdown between teh tailoin on Ice Palace



the one with the weird green floating bits!


"Floating islands" Level 16



I loved the whole Offshore Rig and the Wreck of Maria Doria above all. Because it was the first time that the Tomb Raider serie proposed "modern" settings as levels and i loved the idea. The whole Bartoli's Hideout and Opera House was also amazing!

Le temps est sans importance. Seule la Vie est importante.
-Seigneur Mondoshawan


1 The opera house

2 venice

3 offshore rig

4 the wreck of maria doria

5 Bartoli's hideout

DarkAlessa now the end of day and Iam the Reaper:silent hill


Venice, where you have to leap out of the boat before it blows up, classic!


I used to leave Lara in the boat driving through the bomb underwater

DarkAlessa now the end of day and Iam the Reaper:silent hill


I couldn't agree more, david, I loved Venice. My favorite levels are Venice, Tibetan Foothills, The Dragon's Lair, Home Sweet Home, Barkhang Monastery and The Deck. I loved this feel of this game, too.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.


Probably the Great Wall - so sweet!

DR. EVIL:"Congratulations num-nuts! You've successfully turned me into a friggin Jack-In-the-Box."


My favorite levels are in order:

1. Barkhang Monestary - Seems real oriental
2. Bartoli's Hideout - It's a level I got the hang of
3. Tibet Foothills - A level I found do-able without a hint book
4. Great Wall - I found it simple
5. Opera House - I like the dark graphics
6. Venice - I liked the music when in the boat
7. Floating Islands - I like the emerald green colors
8. The Deck - I'm not much into sharks, but I like the blue graphics.

Levels I didn't like in order:
1. Temple of Xian - Long level and I HATE giant spiders
2. Home Sweet Home - Too hard
3. Dragon's Lair - I keep getting set on fire
4. Off-Shore Rig - I found it difficult without my weapons
5. Diving Area - Too boring
6. 40 Fantoms - I hate sharks
7. Wreck of the Maria Doria - Again with the sharks
8. Living Quarters - The sunken ship level was kind of boring
9. Ice Palace - I don't remember it, but I remember not liking yetis
10. [Level after Barkhang Monestary] - Again I dislike yetis.


40 Fantoms lol.

I hated all the levels in the sea or sea bases..or rig things.

I liked all the oriental levels like Barkhang Monastery , Temple of Xian , and the jet ski part in Tibetan Foothills.
Floating Islands scared me the first time I played it , As I was just a kid.
I liked the levels in Italy to , but hated Home Sweet Home!!!!!!!!111

Taste ma Justice!



Bartoli's Hideout was definitely my fave level in the whole game. I didn't like the undersea levels because swimming from the sharks scared the *beep* out of me. Not because sharks scare me, but because I feel so much more vulnerable during those parts.


Venice, Offshore Rig, and Tibetan Foothills were my faves.

Most of the other swimming ones and Floating Islands still scare me to death!

The toidy of the Black Pearl!
Phonebook '08
