MovieChat Forums > Bio Hazard (1996) Discussion > A very good game but not good as Code Ve...

A very good game but not good as Code Veronica.

What do you think about this game?



Its dated, its REALLY dated. I still like it though, its weird how old games like this and the first silent hill can still scare you after you played all of their sequels and stuff

That guy's a maniac. Why'd he bite me? - Resident Evil 2


I love it. I just can't stop playing it over & over again. I just never tire of it for some reason. I don't judge games by their graphics (out of context anyway). It had awesome graphics during its time, but the gameplay is great so it doesn't matter.


After all the hype I heard surrounding this game, I wasn't as impressed. :/

I agree on Code Veronica being the best one to date. Zero being a very close second.


resident evil never really scared me the way silent hill far as the best one's so far concern,i think its a tie between part 2,zero,or outbreak.resident evil dual shock was a joke,even though it was the same game as directors cut,the exclusive background music that they added took some or even all of the scare value away.



I absolutely adore this game. I dont see how you people can say that code veronica was better, that was the worst one. The first two were simply masterpieces, the 3rd pretty good but not as good. I bet code veronica was the one you guys stated out on, usually that happens with a lot of things. Music, movies, video games ect... The first thing you hear/play/see is almost always going to be the best out of the series. This is always the case with me.


I don't agree. I began this series when I was six, and my dad bought Resident Evil home one night. It scared me sh*tless, but when I play it now it isn't as scary. Anyway, about the best of the series. As I said, I began on the original PS1 version, but as the new games started coming out, they just got better and better. I think Code Veronica is the best to date, though RE2 follows very close behind. I still haven't played the 4th game so I'll probably change my mind when I do play it.

"There is no such thing as peace. There is only a short time of calmness before disastor."


I've like all the RE games that I've played so far , but I'm starting to feel a bit annoyed at how many capcom is churning out , what with remakes and everything (that I can't buy because I don't own a G cube) , it's starting to get harder to follow the storyline.



I loved the first, the remaker and 0. I thought 2 and 3 were ok and had there moments, but were a bit too not scary IMO, you start off with destruction around you and dramatic music, the bit that was meant to be scary (the whole police station/underground lab bit) just failed to raise atmosphere, the Nemesis encounters in 3 were scary.

The problem was mostly down to me I guess. In resident evil 2 and 3 you had plenty of places to run away and the zombies were too frequent so they lost their fear factor for me. The setting wasn't as eerie as the mansion (I was scared to go through doors sometimes especially in the remake)and the overly used "jump scares" just didnt do it for me, the games were still good fun though.

Veronica I never got round to completing but I will, it seems ok so far.

Onto the Resident Evil remake, you absolutely must play it! I borrowed my mates Gamecube to play it, it's really good, all the atmosphere and fear of the first back in beautiful graphics (but the acting is more scary than any zombie).


I still really like Resident Evil. The graphics are good - well, bearable, and the game is extremely chilling. The acting maybe really cheesy, but I still love this game. I think it's better that Code Veronica - obviously not graphically, but gameplay and storyline.
