I was crying when Ash died

From LAUGHING SO HARD! I was so happy!
People were cheering in the theater, it was

.............then he came back to life,
and people were ticked off, they were
throwing popcorn at the screen, and yelling.


right whatever

one day I will be like all these actors.


lol fine don't believe me.


Lol, aww that's mean :)
Poor Ash<3


haha I hate him! He's so annoying!


Glad I weren't in that god damn cinema then. Bunch of twats yelling in a kids film.... How old were you? Chavvy 23??? lol yeah whatever


...I don't remember when this came out. I was probably like,
10 or something.



why? I think Ash is annoying. ...and so does everyone
else in that theater.


i know someone who was crying for real. i was shocked because:

1. he was like 2 years older than me, and i was 10.
2. it's a cartoon.

Green Day = "hates" American media.
American media = owns Green Day.


And it was G rated! Ash did NOT die!



Wow, that was forever ago! Well, they weren't yelling PER SE, but they were pretty p_ssed off!

All the world will be your enemy, Prince With a Thousand Enemies. And whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first, they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, Prince with the swift warning. Be cunning, full of tricks, and your people shall never be destroyed.

There are those who still know- they're still home. We're still home.

~Proud to be a Gleek!~

You watch me, just watch me. I'm calling, I'm calling. And one day all will know...

La Vie Boheme!


screw you fag Ash RULES and could kick you ass!
