The Dwarf

I swear that dwarf was just as tall as everyone else


The director thought that the actor being 5'2" was good enough.

Davy Jones: Pimp of the Sea



The Dwarf's backstory was that he was once a mighty warrior, so I guess it's fitting that he be larger, and thus more stronger, than the average dwarf.
But I agree, the director was just being lazy.

Davy Jones: Pimp of the Sea


i really wish he had died along with snails


Casting real little people as dwarfs is a bit of an ethical grey area, IMHO. They should've digitally reduced his size (like in LOTR), but that would've cost money. They tried the whole forced perspective thing with Elwood standing behind the rest of the cast to make him appear smaller (he also had this weird squat/hunch during the earlier scenes) but I think they could've done more with the perspective angle.


The Dwarf's height still fits within the boundaries of standard D&D Dwarf characters, though he is at an extreme of Dwarf height.



It sucked that he was tall. Why not get a little person actor??
But,the dwarf was cool! Kickin ass and had some good jokes:)

Have u ever felt the fighting presence of another?


Why was he named Elwood?? He sounds like a rich kid or something: his brother's probably named Spencer!

I like kitties



I rememeber an interview with the actor when the movie was out....he was one of the few cast members who'd actually played AD&D as a kid. the funny part was, he hates Dwarfs! :)


"Holiness is in right action, and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves."


He was named Elwood because he was in fact the missing blues brother...


That cracked me up.


Well, he's a dwarf of the mythical variety, not a dwarf as in a human with dwarfism...
Writers, Artists, Creative People.


He was over 5' because you can't cast a real life dwarf and have them perform some of the fighting scenes you plan on shooting.

Lee's a great character actor though, and aside from being slightly tall for a dwarf, he played it well.

People may recognize him from the Pirates of the Car movies.


His height didn't bother me. It was his head's shape that bothered me. It was like it was a thin oval shape. Dwarve's heads are suppose to be wide and short. Like he had a rock on his head for most of his life.


I was actually fine with Lee Arenberg as the dwarf (Peter Jackson's CGI stuff used for LotR's Hobbits would have been great there were it possible), but I was annoyed that the character was never named on screen! The credits maybe, but he's only named in a deleted scene! That drove me a little crazy (though of course not the least of this movie's problems).


The most bizarre thing about the dwarf was the reaction to getting his helmet shot off by the arrow.

"Wait a minute, I know what my fortune is, it's partying!"


Yeah. How stereotypical can one be. He was "The Dwarf" just as Nora was "The Ranger". I mean come on. Try at least to get a little depth in here.



They could have at least tried to use simple camera techniques instead of casting a kind-of-short actor. Most of the height manipulation in Lord of the Rings was from basic cinematography: forced prespective, alternating shots for conversations, wide-angle shots with "stunt" doubles, actors standing lower/higher on terrain. This is what allowed John Rhys Davies, who is 6'1", to play Gimli, who seems about 7 inches shorter than Elwood.

Even for a movie made with nothing, it doesn't cost very much to just move the camera.

And when is a dwarf in a movie or book ever *not* a "great warrior?"


I agree. LotR pulled it off almost entirely with body doubles, baggy cloths, makeup, and slick editing/camera work. I write it off to laziness in the DnD movie.


I hope that Marlon Wayans did get a lot of money for be in diz movie!!!


D&D Dwarves can reach 5ft/1.5m in height.

The problem was that he was cast next to not exactly tall characters so he comes across as not all that short.

Ellwood and the Empress are 5'4"
Marina and Norda are 5'7"
Ridly is 5'10"
Snails is 6'0"
Damodar is 6'1"
Profion is 6'2"
