Great Memories!!

I don't know about anybody else, but all I have when I think back to this show is happy memories. Back when staying up late was my biggest concern. Although of course by today's standards the show would never be able to hold a candle to some, but for me that show will always be one of the reasons why science became an obsession. Way before CSI & Forensic Files we had to learn the scientific basics. This is a show that helped to not only entertain a generation of children, but also taught a whole lot along the way. Long live the Bloodhound Gang!!


I started thinking about this show recently when Noggin began airing the old episodes of Degrassi Jr. High - another show that was a big part of my public television watching as a child. My brother and I were totally addicted to 321, and always tried to solve the Bloodhound Gang stories too. Using teens to outline these things seemed much more realistic (and relatable) than corny Bill Nye types. I wish you could find old episodes of this too!


It is great thinking back. I was born in '78 so I was really young when I watched this. Other shows that bring back memories for me are Square One and Reading Rainbow. Kids today don't really have any shows like these, they grow up too fast now esp. with the Net.

"Before you die, you see my buttocks"


'79 here. I too, loved Square One, Reading Rainbow, Electric Company, Slim Goodbody, fraggle rock and a mysterious show that featured a talking victrola (old fashioned record player). :)


I have vague memories of this show, but I might have blocked them out, or part of my childhood. I was ritualistically placed in a burlap sack and beaten with reeds. 3-2-1 is the reason! right? something like that.....oh not the bamboo stick again.

"Nice beaver!"
"Thanks, I just had it stuffed."
--The Naked Gun


That show with the talking Victrola was "Magical Music Box." Whenever he talked, the megaphone thingy would move around. It was a show that taught us young kids about music appreciation and how music has evolved, and how instruments are made. It was one of those 15 minute educational shows that PBS would show in the early afternoons with shows like "All About You", "High Feather", "Inside/Out".....
