MovieChat Forums > Undressed (1999) Discussion > Yea this needs to be on dvd

Yea this needs to be on dvd

i miss it i watched it in like 5th or 6th grade i watched it eevry night at 11



just rent a porno


i was in like 4th grade watching this show..i loved it..i coulnd't miss an episode..or i'd flip


it seems as if so many people liked this show.....i did too!!!!! it would be a really a stupid move if MTV doesn't release on dvd soon!!!!!.......i think i was in sixth or seventh grade when i started watching show.......i'm a junior in college now and i miss it so much!!!!!!!!!!


I remember watching this show when I was 16. I watched it until it ended. I really miss it! I wish it would come back! It was such a huge, addictive guilty pleasure. It was so fun to watch it at night in the summer.


Amen to that! I loved this show when it was still on! MTV should seriously sell DVD seasons. I'd definitely buy them.

Blessed are the forgetful, for they get the better even of their blunders


i dont think this show was bad at all :( i loved watchin it...but i was young...


i was like in 6th grade and i was so obsessed i thought i'd grow up to be some kinda perv or something..i was that obsessed with the show.


dude, me too, i thought i was the only one who watched it when I was in like 5th or 6th grade until I asked my friends about it. Turns out, we all watched. Everyone of us. Cuz we're that creepy. lol. I can seriously name about half of the 222 episodes. Not even playing.



awesome i loved this show toollblovesejw; do u know any site where i can watch some old episodes?



can you send them to me?
email - [email protected]
aim - and itemizes


i'm pretty sure it does...and might be in canada.

but, regardless, when i woke up this morning, at almost 4 am eastern time, Undressed was playing on MTV. Five or six episodes says my guide. Anyway, I wonder if it's going to get a slot?


Yeah, I happened to notice it was on last night, from 12-5. I watched eight of them I think, very addicting show. I noticed the stripper from "What about Brian" was one of the characters. I looked at and it's not on the lineup in coming weeks at all. That was weird to see it on.


I recorded every episode. Totally freaking LOVE that show.




me too! this show was amazing for an 11 year old because it was so "wow"


I watched it when I was like 12 or 13. I'd watch it my cousin's cause I didn't have Mtv at my house. We got in trouble so many times for watching it.
They need to put it out on dvd. I would so buy it.


I been thinkin bout this show a lot lately weird haha I had no idea there was 222 episodes :/ now I'm curious how many I've seen. . .

The Prophecy Has Been Fulfilled


It was always amusing to me that people would be on the show for like 10 eps, then just disappear. I tried to watch it when I was a senior in high school (thats when it premiered) but my parents thought it was too "racy" and on too late. In college I remember thinking it had gone off the air, but I was studying in a lounge one night and it just appeared. It stayed on for like 3 hours and I was in a trance. Then we said screw the studying and had nightly Undressed parties because it was on from 12-2 every weeknight for a while.

Does anyone know if it has a page on that website where you vote for shows to be released on DVD? I used to go and vote for Fifteen, Welcome Freshmen, and Clarissa Explains It All.


I too remember watching this show years ago late at night in the summer time! I wish they would bring it out on DVD or at least show reruns. I have a few episodes of it on tape somewhere.
