MovieChat Forums > The Big Kahuna (2000) Discussion > This movie marked me, it almost changed ...

This movie marked me, it almost changed my life.

I know everyone in this board has their own interpretation of it, but to me it is an ethics essay, and its message is one about ethics. It changed the way I see the mistakes I`ve made, and come to think about it, I`ve actually taken the way it thinks about character as my own. Its not about regret or guilt, its about how regret can make you bigger, better. I think everyone who has made the big mistake of his life, and knows it, thinks about it constantly, should admite it as a model, an arquetype of what the man he doesnt want to be, yet is.

Everytime I feel down, everytime I start thinking about those mistakes, I listen to the Sunscreen mp3, the final speech. It always gets me.

"Jesus wasn`t a christian, just like Socrates wasn`t platonic" - Harold Bloom


I know in some ways i feel a little bit changed, the same way I did with GLEN GARY GLEN ROSS did. While listening to the lines where Larry is telling young Bob (more or less) about sniffing out someones bullsh!t. Listening to a person who pretends they know more than they really do. For some reason the first person whom came to mind was an instructor (i once had), she seemed a little bitter and angery all the time. Now I do agree that you can smell out lies and sometimes it shows in their speech and actions. The same for angery people, she always came off as someone who was teaching just for a pay check.
