Want on DVD

It is so unfair that the DVD people put the third movie "First Shot" and not the 1st movie or 2nd.



me too. i absolutely loved the first movie. and i think i missed the 2nd but i saw the third one, which was pretty good too. But I still love the 1st movie. I want it on DVD!


i do too...ive never een seen the second one...i know there is one, but its never on TV...i cant find the first one on TV either...



You can sometimes find this along with the other 2 in the series playing on the cable/satellite channel HDNet. Just record it off there and burn it to a dvd. You can get it in pristine HD to boot. You probably can't record the HD, but you start with an ultra clean version to record.


Are you still after the dvd ?



i am
