Silverbolt's fate

Can someone please tell me what happens to Silverbolt at the end of Beast Machines? It's been so long since I've seen this show.
Does Blackarachnia ever manage to change him back into a Maximal? Are they together at the end of the series?

Stay Frosty!
ReBoot is the best show ever.
All must hear the word. And the ReBoot.


Silverbolt debuted in The Darkest Knight feeling that he enjoyed being a Vehicon because Megatron freed him from his code of honor allowing him to "revel" in the havok that Jetstorm caused. For most of the seires Silverbolt is moody and feeling used by Megs. He battles within himself for redemption and for Nightscream's acceptence.

Once he gained Nightscream's approval by saving the bat's tail Blackrarachnia comments on him having "made a new friend." His nonchalant NIghtscreamesque reply is "Whatever." She leaves him with the words, "And maybe in time you'll lean to forgive yourself, the way we have."

Blackarachnia then was slowly being pushed away by Silverbolt. He mentions loud enough for her to hear but mainly to Nightscream that "Until the threat of Megatron is quelled, love is a luxery I can not afford." He does save her a couple of times, though, showing that it's not that he doesn't care for her anymore just that he doesn't want the relationship.

Frankly in my opinion Beast Machines didn't solve either of his emotonal conflicts: the one with Blackarachnia, or the one within himself. But this is how it ends...

In the three parter that concludes the series, Sparkwars, Silverbolt is given a sub-commander possition over Blackarachnia and Nightscream in a sabotage mission. He eventually proposes that they cut off the Vehicon supply sourse by destroying the (apparently) one factory that creates drones. (I wonder why no one thought of this a season ago.) Once they succeed they return to the giant Megatron head that they were using as a tactical advantage (sort of) and a base (in a way). There he approaches her to help her in fortifying the entrances to the head. He must have been sencing that the war was coming to an end because he finally for the first time in a long time gives a pledge of love; something unispired like "No matter what happens, we will be together... forever." I recall the airy drawn-out "forever" especially. He holds her as she rests her head on his chest.

In their final battle Silverbolt is taken down by Thrust wihtout much effort. While Blackarachnia is yelling "Big mistake. Big mistake!" a drone, I think hits her over the head and knocks her out. Next thing we see of them is their sparks being extracted from their chest and a spiralling up shot of them laid sprawled with their hands fingertip to fingertip.

The end of the series is happy-go-lucky and they are standing next to eachother happy that the war is over and that the Oracle has restored them and all the rest of the Cybertronians to their bodies. They don't have much of a highlight, which sort of sums up their relationship. You know? Words to remember them by during these last moments.

The Most Idiotic End
