Political Correctness

Count Thibault and André attack a red SUV, saying, "Look! A red dragon!" In the original French 1993 version, they demolish a yellow postal van but first scare off its black driver, saying, "Look! A Moor!" The scene was fiddled for "racial sensitivity".

That would have been a great line but the PC police kept it out. Is it any worse than when Brendan Frasier's character in "Blast from the Past" says something about "Wow a Negro" when encountering his first Black person in his life? That was a great line but sane people were making that film.

America put the "fun" back into "Fundamentalism".


Moor would have been funny, though I didn't realise they got as far as France.


The servant actually first notices the black man and runs to the count for protection screaming "Saracen!". And then Reno attacks him with his sword and the man runs away and they demolish his car.


I'm sure it had a lot to do with the belief that American audiences knew more about dragons than Moors or Saracens.


And I AM an American. Actually, I know what a Moor and a Saracen are. It's Hollywood. They think that most Americans are quite dumb. They just might be right, though.

Sbzgfqmtx rules.


Don't know about anyone else but I'm sick of PC. Takes away our freedom of speech.


I agree. I remember the outrage when Sinead O'Connor ripped up the picture of the pope. I hate the people get butt hurt about black comedians that make fun of whites. Or how people got offended about The Beetles saying they were more popular than Jesus. I hate it how people criticize liberal filmmakers for putting liberal themes in their movies and television shows. People need to lighten up and get the sticks out of their asses and respect free expression. If something bothers someone they shouldn't watch it.

"I hate to say this, but this place is getting to me. I think I'm getting the Fear."
