Travis Pickle

Is a recurring character in a screenplay I have been writing for a sort of Human Traffic/Trainspotting spoof. I wasn't familiar with Taxi Driver growing up, but I watched it after seeing Moff talk so highly of Robert Deniro's Travis Bickle.

The star of my as yet unnamed spoof is Lipton, a sort of haphazard version of Trainspotting's Renton, who finds that his only 'drug high' comes from shoving teabags up his arse.

Expect to see it at a cinema nowhere near you sometime in the next 5 years.

I'm not jesting by the way, I actually am writing a script and already have about 35 minutes of material for a film written down. I'm Scottish and know Trainspotting-esque characters in real life, I also have a couple of Welsh mates and like to mock their national identities on a daily basis. But they are fine with it.

With your feet in the air and your head on the ground, try this sig with spinach!


Pickle or Bickle, you have both.

~I can hear his beard!!~
