English Language DVD

You can get a nice transfered copy of the English Language version on DVDR at: http://www.allcluesnosolutions.com/index.php?productID=234


My DVD does not contain English subtitles, but the pictures are self-explaining anyway. However, without subtitles you miss some of Toonders always-recurring gags, The commissioner: "Bommel, je bent er gloeiend bij (you are so totally caught). Wat is je naam?" Bommel, wailing: "Moet een heer dan alles alleen doen?" (Is a gentleman always on his own?). Or: "Tom Poes, verzin een list!" (come up with a trick). Or: "Wat zou mijn goede vader denken, als hij dit had gezien?" (must I explain?). The narrow-minded and self-centered complaints of the grocer. The subservient butler Joost ("Met uw welnemen", by your leave. Always willing to resign when he fears that his prestige is in jeopardy. And always returning to his microcosmos). However, the fun in these texts is the repetition anyway, and you would need a series for that. The length of the film does not allow to hammer it in.
