Original was okay...

...but this remake was really a stinky bore. You have to be an attention-addled illiterate retard to think the cheapie quick edits of the remake were entertaining or exciting. The car chases were garbage. The telltale sign of worthless trash, in action films like this, is the complete lack of continuity. It's just a cover, a sham, a smokescreen to give the appearance of frenzied action, when in fact nothing in the actual filming entailed anything remotely like what was being depicted. Any non-idiot sees through this immediately and is quickly bored.

Why are there so many dunces who don't appreciate REAL stunt driving? Thanks to these dunces, we get cinematic compost.


...but this remake was really a stinky bore. You have to be an attention-addled illiterate retard to think the cheapie quick edits of the remake were entertaining or exciting. The car chases were garbage. The telltale sign of worthless trash, in action films like this, is the complete lack of continuity. It's just a cover, a sham, a smokescreen to give the appearance of frenzied action, when in fact nothing in the actual filming entailed anything remotely like what was being depicted. Any non-idiot sees through this immediately and is quickly bored.

Why are there so many dunces who don't appreciate REAL stunt driving? Thanks to these dunces, we get cinematic compost.

Don't sugar coat it, tell us what you really think!

Seriously though, this is a film about stealing exotic cars. Did you see Fast and the Furious expecting a quality film, too? It did what it set out to do just fine, and it didn't seem to take itself seriously or present a pretentious vibe at all. Just a mindless popcorn flick.

Its not like this was "Equilibrium", in that it presented itself very seriously and intelligent but was nothing but idiotic crap. This film knew what it was and honored it.

Are you surprised the original is better? Its extremely rare for a remake to be decent, let alone on par. Ben Hur(1959) and The Fly(1986) are the only two that come to mind as quality remakes. You should expect mediocrity so you won't be so pissy next time you watch a hollywood film.
