Once upon a time...

Remember when disney made movies like this and shows that weren't stupid?

Those were the good days!


I do too. They need to split channels. Retro disney, Disney movie channel, or whatever. I miss the old cartoons I had growing up. The ones now suck. If other statins can do it why not Disney? MTV has 3 or 4 and I never even watch any of theirs. Disney should have a channel that just plays their cartoons.


Oh GOD I miss those days! There are still DCOMs from this era that I love, even though it's been over a decade since they came about. I actually have several downloaded onto my laptop, since some never were put on DVD (or even VHS for that matter).

Disney channel just hasn't been the same since 2004. That was around the time it got really stupid, the writing for the shows got really bad, and none of the actors I saw were that likeable. I have no idea how the Generation Z and iGeneration kids could fall in love with the likes of the Disney kids that have come since that time.
