some questions

1. I read somewhere that this was based on a true story, is that true?
2. what's the name of the song in the scene where the bettys get out the terminator van and the door handle falls off?
3. what's the name of the song that's playing when jack and diane win prom king and queen?
4. what's the name of song playing when Jack keeps getting fired at restuarants?
5. what's hannah saying in the scene where they have a wiji booard in Diane's apartment and Kansas replies "it's in the bible, so just shut the hell up."?
please reply, thanks.



1- nope
2- the song is called "Cannonball" and it's by The Breeders
3- the song is called "Glockenpop" and it's by Spiderbait
4- i can't remember that song or the band :(
5- never really payed attention to what she was saying

[x] For each age is a dream that is dying , or one that is coming to birth [x]


she was like "why is it only one question a week?"



1. it is based on a true story kinda of... its based the girls from kingwood high school (in texas) robbed some convience stores w/ a gun... two of the girls were on the nationally acredited kingwood high school fillies dance team (not cheerleading) it was all over the news... they are still in jail... wont be out for a while... (i know this b'cuz i go to the school). o and as far as i know no one was pregnant...


CBS can better explain the truth....

(CBS) Kingwood is a carefully-planned community of 15,000 wooded acres in Houston. Many in Houston think of Kingwood as an oasis from the crime and turmoil of city life.

Last yearr that tranquility was shaken. Between May 30 and July 10, 1999, there were five armed robberies in the area. In each case, the robbers entered stories, and waved guns in the faces of terrorized clerks.

But to some even more shocking than hearing of the robberies was finding out who the alleged robbers were: four teen-age girls, all from Kingwood. They called themselves the "Queens of Armed Robbery." 48 Hours Correspondent Bernard Goldberg reports on this case.
The four girls were arrested after supposedly bragging about their adventures at parties. Someone turned them in.

Three girls confessed to police: Lisa Warzeka, a popular athlete at Kingwood High School, who had been hoping for a college scholarship; Katie Dunn, an award-winning member of the school's elite drill team; and Michelle Morneau, who had graduated from Kingwood - considered one of the best schools in the state - just days before the first robbery.

The fourth girl charged in the case was the youngest, Krystal Maddox. Police say she was the ringleader. Of the four, Maddox came from the wealthiest family; her father is a corporate executive. She decided to fight the charges in court.



Now THAT sounds like a good movie, I mean Krystal Maddox! Come on thats like Natural Born Killer's 2 Cheerleader's revenge. It could have been great. Oliver Stone would be all over it!

Its funny how supposed well of kids get into some serious trouble just for fun, wand throw thier lives away... ok maybe not that funny.

But... I went to Texas once on a business trip and met some morons in a convience store.
