Shepard's Mother

Wait a minute......what ever happened to Shepard's mother? She was dead in the current time so.....did she come back right when John's mother did? They never showed her again. They should have.

I am the Walrus - Goo Goo Ga'joob


I don't think she came back. I don't remember them saying that she didn't die. What I would like to know is why he killed his mother to begin with. Does anyone know?


In all versions of the timeline, Shepard was a psychologically disturbed killer.

Obviously he had problems with women in general and nurses in particular.


Going a bit further on this. Mom was alive in the beginning, but then murdered in the middle
after John started talking to dad. But she wasn't the first victim at that point, because we already heard a
radio broadcast during the credits about the Nightengale murders. But since Jack changed his MO to kill mom, who was a nurse, I guess there's a bit of a plot hole here in regards to motive. But like jaystar says,
Shepard's a pretty messed up dude.


actually, shepherd's father and mother are there watching the game in the end.

I remember words that fell
like coins into a wishing well


oh very good

I am the Walrus - Goo Goo Ga'joob


They were both there? Never noticed that, I'll have to see that part again.
