Truly Dire

This was the worst of the worst.....the acting was appalling (what was William Hurt doing in this drivel...there must have been serious mortgage arrears in his life during this period). The storyline was embarrassing, I mean.. your speech impaired child has been returned to you after witnessing a murder, and what do these parents do.... leave her on her own in their hotel room and head down to dinner UNCONCERNED !!! I wont even comment on the rest of it... definitely one to block out of your mind as fast as possible.l


I completely agree. And I like Michael Chiklis. What I would like to know is, if he were born and raised in Amsterdam and spent his time between there and the South of France, did he not have an accent. Unless of course, that was a lie. I saw this on cable last night and came in the middle so I only saw from the murder on. But come on... this movie totally sucked. It was worse than Showgirls.

One thing I did like is when Bruno is in the little girl's bedroom and he walks out unseen. I guess mutes don't have peripheral vision.

And also... why were all the people in Amsterdam so rude? The hotel workers, the bodygaurd, the police and the cabbie. They all were pricks.


Yeah, I was wondering how she didn't see the blue shirt guy either. While Showgirls has some bad acting, I think it's kind of entertaining, don't get why so many people bash it. This movie wasn't so bad either. I have seen so many worse. I can't believe that was Michael Chiklis! I have only seen him in the past few years in The Shield and Fantastic Four where he is kind of buff and bald, so the whole movie I knew his character looked familiar, but I didn't even know it was him until I saw his name on IMDB. I felt so dumb.



I loved Showgirls! It was truly a guilty pleasure whereas "Silent Witness" should have been called "Senseless and Worthless." I think it is the worst movie ever made that did not go straight to video. I cannot believe the IMDB rating is 4. anything!


>>>And also... why were all the people in Amsterdam so rude? The hotel workers, the bodygaurd, the police and the cabbie. They all were pricks.<<<<<

Because they all were Americans


"And also... why were all the people in Amsterdam so rude? The hotel workers, the bodygaurd, the police and the cabbie. They all were pricks."

As terrible as this movie was, the cops in Amsterdam really are rude. I don't know about the cabbies, hotel workers etc., but from my own sorry experience I know the Amsterdamn (sic) police are total pricks.

And no, I didn't get busted. ;-)


I recognized some Dutch actors in bit parts (the fat taxi driver for instance, he's a big name in the Netherlands), but their voices were dubbed by American actors. I agree this was a horrible film, the only good thing was the awesome chase scene at the end. Judging from this, it's a good thing Dick Maas didn't go to Hollywood. His Dutch films are vastly superior to this garbage, which doesn't even deserve to be associated with them. great Alien/Predator forum!


I couldn't agree more, this movie is atrocious. A terrible attempt at suspense, I found myself wondering how any of those "big name" actors would sign on for this piece of garbage. In my opinion the most ridiculous part was when the little girl jumped off the roof of the hotel, a good 100ft drop into a canal (probably only 15-20ft deep) without shoes or even socks on her feet. Chances are good that there is NO way she would survive that fall (yes, I know it's a movie and a terrible one at that). The only redeeming thing about this movie is the fact that it takes place in Amsterdam. overall I give it 2/10


I actually thought this movie was *beep* fantastic. Better than most other films that try to be funny. Loved the whole BillyBoy Manson thing. And why the hell was everyone speaking with an American accent. I thought it was set in Amsterdam? Pure Brilliance!


"why the hell was everyone speaking with an American accent. I thought it was set in Amsterdam? "

I was wondering the same exact thing. In fact, this is why i came on the boards.


I found this on a site called

"In the Netherlands, Dutch is the first official language. The second is Frisian, a minority language used in the North of the country. Almost everyone, especially in Amsterdam, speaks English fluently and often German. French is widely understood and sometimes spoken."

As bad as this movie was, I guess they didn't mess this part up.


Yes, English is spoken widely in A-dam, but don't the Dutch have at least a HINT of a Germanic accent?

What bugged me most was the indestructable ambulance that bashed into dozens of automobiles as well as a trolleycar--derailing it completely -- yet didn't suffer so much as a busted headlight.

Total crap. Avoid.


The "oops" part I saw, was at the start, when the murder
happened, he took the guy by the head and repeatedly bashed it
against the concrete floor, head down...

Later on, when the funny lookin gay guy is taking a wiz, and he
sees the body float up, the face is almost unmarked at all, esp, in
the face/forehead zone..



As much as I remember, English and Dutch belong to same, Germanic group... so it can be expected that they speak English good and without a kind of accent that could be expected from Italians, Hungarians or Russians - and Hollywood usually presents us perfect English spoken by these nations... well, if Klingons, Romulans and other extra-terrestrials speak perfect English with Hollywood accent, why would be bothered if it is spoken in Sicilian vineyard or on a Volga ship?

And this theory holds water as long as people speak to the Richmonds, or they are in their company. But why would Dutch people talk English to one another, no matter how good they can do it, when no foreigner is near? Though this movie is listed as "Dutch-German" production, it is more than obvious that it was made for USA and therefore suffers from usual American flaws. It is sad to see European authors humiliating themselves, their countries, their nations, cultures, languages, only to sell their movie and themselves to the Masters of the world.


Being Dutch myself I can tell you that in all actuality, very few Dutch people are able to speak English without accent (we speak English with a thick accent that sounds Scandinavian); even fewer people are able to speak English fluently. Most of us (at least younger generations) understand English (though we often don’t recognize certain words or expressions and often have to ask the native English speaker to repeat his or her question) but when we speak English ourselves it’s mostly done in an awkward, wooden, grammatically incorrect way. For example, a colleague at work tried to explain an American tourist where the bus station was and said something like “You go out…you go right and then eh…right…eh, straight right through…eh...ahead and you see shop there and you go left there and then you see [makes wild hand gestures] this…eh…this…eh…clock in…eh…no, a what is it, a place for eh, God, and you make right and you see busses there and you buy eh strippenkaart…eh, ticket at window in building”. Even in the company of English language guest, most Dutch people will speak Dutch to each other.
O, and just by the way, I absolutely hated every second of this film. Dick Maas makes George Lucas look like an award winning screenwriter.


very few Dutch people are able to speak English without accent

Expecting that anybody who didn't spend his childhood in certain country or among people who speak certain language can speak without an accent is too optimistic. (Children who e.g. live in one country and their parents speak another language can speak both languages fluently, but it is possible that they won't be able to speak any of them without at least a small accent.) However, I have emphasized that accents which will Dutch people have is a tiny one compared to Italians or Russians. I haven't mentioned Scandinavians because they belong to same group as Dutch people, so it is natural that both of them won't have much difference in their accent, and that it won't be too notable or irritating.

And I am not so strict about this movie. I consider it a comedy so all those flaws don't look so important. Also, I don't have chance to travel often, but I was in Amsterdam not so long ago, and this movie brought me some memories back. But this is just a matter of emotions, not the quality of the movie.


I also liked the movie. I should rent it again...

"Robin Williams turns me on when he's in his Mrs. Doubtfire costume." -Kilanjo
