WCW and Eric Bischoff...

...were the two biggest pieces of *beep* ever dropped on wrestling.


Sure, kid. Back to TNA with ya.

Break it down!


They just made wrestling what it is today...



McMahon turned heel in 1997 because of his screwing of Bret Hart. He tried explaining why he did it but fans turned against Vince, thus he became a heel. His heel turn had nothing to do with Bischoff or WCW.

Rockabilly was nothing like Disco Inferno. The name and gimmick came about because of Honky as his manager.

Razor Ramon a Diamond Studd ripoff? Yeah why not rip off a failing gimick like the Studd? Scott Hall would never have been successful if not for his Razor Ramon character in the WWF. If anything when he became Scott Hall in WCW he was still Razor just with a different name. He used the same sayings, same look, same entrance and still had the toothpick in his mouth (along with the flicking it in the opponents face).

Heel or face GMs has nothing to do with WCW either. WCW only had one owner of the company, Bischoff. WWF started having presidents and commissioners before WCW started using presidents.

The only reason WWE doesnt have a competetive cruiser division is Vince doesnt care for it. He likes big men and doesnt care how good his cruiserweights are.

I am so smart. I am so smart. S-M-R-T, I mean S-M-A-R-T.


vince he likes big men lmao you make him sound gay and the fact he is gay with all this kiss my ass club and *beep* skits like that

The Joker's Wild 08
