Almodovar's best?

I just saw the movie today. After having seen Bad Education and Talk To Her I had high expectations. Well I must say I was disapointed. Almodovar is really a great director, who can portray a human depth in his movies that I miss in most hollywood productions. But this movie really mist something. The story telling and acting (from Cecilia Roth)could have been much better. It is obvious that Almodovar has grown in his movie making sinds then. For me his best movie is Talk to Her.

Can anybody tell me if Volver is worth seening?


IMHO this is Pedro's best because it's completely dedicated to actresses and mothers. Besides, the references to All About Eve and the fact that A Streetcar Named Desire is sort of the spine of the film (and Manuela's life) it's fascinating as a tribute to acting arts.

***Sky rockets in flight..afternoon delight,afternoon delight***


This movie captivated me from beginning to end. I thought Cecilia's performance was flawless.


I agree with the above posters, out of all Almodóvar films that I've seen this one really captivated me.

Can anybody tell me if Volver is worth seening?

I enjoyed it, Penélope Cruz's performance is very good. If you like Almodóvar films in general your like Volver.

Houston, we have a hippo.






I agree with the OP. I had already seen Talk to Her and Bad Education and my dad told me that All About My Mother was his favorite so I was very excited to watch it. Of course I had high expectations seeing as this is an Almodóvar film, but I was slightly disappointed. It was still a great film and I loved the score, but I just didn't feel I connected to it as much as his others... something was just missing. IMHO Talk to Her is his best.



i think this was a great film, just like volver, bad education, and women on the verge of a nervous breakdown, which are all the almodovar films ive seen so far. however, i did like volver and bad education better than this one, the acting was great, but i didnt find a climax, it was more like multiple small things happening, and personally, i enjoy almodovar's twists on his stories, that this was missing, nonetheless, it was a very good film.

i have the viva pedro box set and talk to her is next up, i cant wait!


i haven't yet written on this forum but i feel it necessary now.

the personal voice of almodovar that transcends the characters in "Talk to Her" is so powerful. his coaching of actors to portray such difficult split roles/emotions is true genius. if you watch it with the commentary, the immense attention to detail he takes to create a sentiment for the audience to absorb, deeply and truly and not just watch from a far away place is truly remarkable. his ability to violently and humorously add the viewer to the plot is unmatched in many of today's modern films, foreign or not.

i say this having seen many of his other works, la mala educacion, volver, todo sobre me madre - all which are worth seeing. but a love story like talk to her as such a strange and personally testing/thought provoking script is immaculate. the viewer is simply left without words - how do you decide to love or hate, like or dislike each of the spirits within the film. where can you identify those same characteristics in those around you whom you love, in yourself?

"go home, think about yourself and enjoy.
make the same mistakes you've made until now.
enjoy the same forbidden things."


Please people! Try not to have high expectations from movies, because in the end you will of course be disappointed! Go into them just wishing to be entertained. It kills me to hear that people had "high expectations" for this movie and were disappointed because you really just shot yourself in the foot.


i think talk to her is almadovar's best movie and one of the greatest movies of cinema history but i did not like any of almadovar's other movies.


'Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown' rules them all. Still, I love 'All About My Mother'; after all, marginalised characters are always interesting, particularly when put together in this way.


i was dissapointed also, i had huge expectations from all the brilliant responses that the movie has gotten over the past 8 years, but i really didn't think it was all that good to be honest.
i thought celia roth was great, but she was far from "flawless" and despite me being a huge fan of penelope cruz, i thought she was pretty awful in this compared to her dynamite performances in "dont move" and "volver".

"they should give nicole kidman an oscar for being able to show any emotion after THAT much botox".


i loved this film and as a poster already typed with this film he sort of dedicates it to all mothers and actresses out there.the thing i really like about his films is he uses his actors and actresses well theyre never wasted.
all the characters are in depth even if they only have a small role.
but as for his best im not so sure i liked live flesh too and bad education and the first one i saw was high heels but i havent saw it in years.
im slowly but surely making my way through them all.

as the sun sets slowly in the west i bid you a fond farewell



It was a very good film, and I agree with a previews post that said that in Almodovar's films, all of his characters are relevant, and that's really saying a lot. I couldn't believe how great Penelope Cruz was in this movie, I thought she was fantstic in Volver but her english speaking roles have been not so great so I didn't know what to expect from her, but she really surprised me. I love Almodovar's films because they're filled with emotion and rich characters. However, there's something about Volver that just captivates me (big part of that is the super hot and talented Cruz), that's Almodovar's best for me.


PLEASE SEE OTHER ALMODOVAR FILMS BESIDES "HABLA CON ELLA," "LA MALA EDUCACION," "VOLVER," "MUJERES AL BORDE...," and "TODO SOBRE..." there are many earlier films that will help you digest the universe of almodovar.

Ley del Deseo (has many of the motifs seen in Mala Educacion)
Laberinto de Pasiones (cecilia roth is fantastic)
Pepi, Luci, y Bom
Que he hecho yo para merecer esto

or even KIKA for example. these later films are Amazing but hard to digest if a first Almodovar film. I didnt even understand talk to her the firs time i saw it. anyways....


While I liked all three of his films I've seen, I definitely can arrange them in order of preference.

"Talk to Her" was my favorite by a good margin. My wife and I just saw "All About My Mother" last night, and both liked it a lot, but it takes #2 spot. "Volver" was very good, but I don't think I'd watch it again, and definitely is #3 by a good margin IMO.


I haven't seen Hable con ella so I will reserve judgement on that. But what I do know is that Todo sobre mi madre is one of the most moving films I have ever seen. Some of Almodóvar's films aren't my type of films because I feel nothing really happens. But this one is beautiful, its plot is almost circular, the three Esteban's and the three roles of the play in her life. The journey's to and from Madrid and Barcelona. I watched this one straight after La Mala Educación and I can certainly say I found this one more enjoyable. I could not understand the roles of Enrique, Ignacio and Juan in this film. At first Enrique seemed promiscuous and only out to use Ignacio (really Juan). I found myself having sympathy for Ignacio as we discovered his past between Enrique and the priest. And in the future Ignacio seemed likeable if not a bit warped. But then there was the whole switch around with Ignacio actually being a dead junky who really wasn't very nice at all - nothing like the sweet little boy (understandable really) and Juan being a bit of an arse. BUt I really didn't expect that he had plotted to kill Ignacio and at the end the old guy.

Todo sobre mi madre made an impression on me left by all the Almodóvar films I have watched. Volver, Mujeres al borde de un attaque nervios, Atame, and Que he hecho yo para merecer esto, are all films I would watch again. With the exception of que he hecho I loved them all.
What I truly love about Almodóvar's films is his ability to make you like even the worst of characters.


I feel 'Talk to her' wins hands down for the skrinking man sequence. In 10 minutues he said more about gender and identity than most directors say in their whole career.
And as things fell apart, no one paid much attention.


I absolutely loved this film, I haven't seen all of Almodovar's work to appropriately judge it against the rest but I can say that this and Talk to Her are my favorites.

I’m always thinking one step ahead, like a carpenter who makes stairs.


I've seen many* (although not all) of Almodovar's films and this is definitely my favorite and, I think, his best.

Manuela's character, story and relationships with the other characters (Agrado, Huma Rojo, Sister Rosa, her son Esteban, her husband Esteban/Lola) are just so moving. Yet it's also funny, bizarre, touching, and so many other things. The relationships between mothers, daughters, lovers, friends---all captured by those characters---all real, and all 'performances.'

This is one of my top 10 favorite films.

*Other Almodovar film's I've seen: Voler, Bad Education, Talk to Her, Live Flesh, Flower of My Secret, High Heels, Women on the Verge...


it may or may not be Almodovar's "best" for i believe "best" is relative. but all about my mother is definitely my personal favorite. it struck a chord in me that some of the other amazing films didnt.


I loved this movie, but I think Hable con Ella is his best. It's just incredibly good.


'All About My Mother' is Almodovar's best film in my opinion, it certainly is one of my all-time favourites. I think it's even better than 'Talk to Her' and that's saying a lot.

It's not the years, honey, it's the mileage.
Indiana Jones, "Raiders of the Lost Ark"
