
Could anybody be so kind as to explain the title to me? Is it a play with words, or is it a saying, or is it something else? Although my command of English is not bad, this time I feel slightly puzzled. Thank you for your assistance.



this is from a northern english phrase "There's nowt as queer as folk" (Theres nothing wierder than people!) Hope that helps!


Thank you cedges.


I heard that the original title of the programme was supposed to be "Queer as F--k", except that Channel Four wouldn't allow it.

Or so I read somewhere, anyway!


Actually it was origionally queer as folk, but the people at channel four saw it and ssaid "Well you might as well go the whole hog and call it queer as *beep*
i think it wasd actually russel T. who said that it wasn't practical, because they couldnt have made posters for the show, or advertised it before 9pm (UK watershed) with a name like that.

It went through a ton of difrent names through production though, including "Dancing at the other end of the ball room", believe it or no. but they eventuaslly came back to queer as folk.

"I may wear stillettoes, but let me asure you, I still have balls"
Kamal Sashim


Yep, that is definitely right there. Even though creator Russell T Davies is Welsh and not English himself, and I am a Southern English guy, but definitely right. :)

I believe it is a play on words with the saying and that "queer" is a derogatory word used by some gay people, some homophobic, and/or even some straight people. LOL
