They suck.

I cannot stand Kilmede.He is like a wax statue with all the charisma of a coat hanger.Al Franken was right about him.Doocy is alright.Eddy is full of herself.The kiss dubya's ass whenever they can.



You listen to that moron Al Franken? That's says a lot about you.


I get called a moron by a moron.Hahah.

Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead.


Brian a wax statue? if he thinks someone is wrong he will call them out and get them to explain their opinions.

you did know al franken is a joke right?

my wonderful dvd collection:




On the "Daily Show," Jon Stewart referred to them as the OTHER White House press staff. I thought that comment was kinda redundant myself since it prettymuch speaks for nine and a half tenths of the rest of the Fox News staff.

I use that fraction since I STILL wonder about Alan Colmes, the token "liberal."





I think we can all agree this show is horrid. A better name for "Fox and [Friends]" would be "How to Change Diapers and Cook for Your [Fascist] Husband: A Morning Show".


But it was the best the day after the election, they were dumb struck by the results.

Another good name for the show would be "How To Make People Sick in the Morning Without Really Trying"....

I think the blonde one need to come out....

