See through shirt.

Yeah I tried to explain to my sister (she's not a kid or anything) and she goes:
"Kids watching this movie won't notice that."

Noticeable or not on the scene where everyone is outside of Claire's window you can see through her shirt for a bit and her nipples are quite hard.




Worse yet, (or better, depending!) her areolas were clearly outlined and her nipples were very erect and prominent. Not suitable for young kids, and YES, they DO NOTICE these things!!!


LOL. As a kid its one of the main reasons I would watch this movie every time it came on.

Kids know when they see breasts...and nice ones at that.


its funny when i saw this when it came out (i was 10) my mom kept saying this movie wasnt for kids...i jus thought she was crzy..but now im starting to see it


Nipples are only sexual because America makes them sexual. Other cultures consider hair sexual. To each his own. But you're silly for thinking creating false taboos, and then exposing them to kids will somehow "hurt" the kid.


its my favorite scene in the movie....but because the scene is funny (cough cough)

lets not forget the scene near the end, same actress's 'assets' are seen again while she is standing on the diving board. my second favorite scene......but you know, because its a romantic scene (cough cough)

on the commentary on the DVD when it gets to the diving board scene, the director says "ah, this is the scene that got the movie a PG rating...but im not pointing out why" then he changes the subject lol


I never noticed until you brought it up. I saw the movie plenty of times as a kid. I also so plenty of worse things that showed actual nudity. It doesn't effect anything


Nice hiney shots when she's wearing the white bathing suit, too.


Hadn't watched this movie in so long watched it tonight on netflix and yep 2 very nice scenes we get with her and see through clothing. Musta been the actresses' goal to be worshiped by teen boys everywhere.


I didn't notice as a kid. But I do as an adult.


Holy mother of god... Nipples? N-I-P-P-L-E-S?!?!?!

Oh the horror, the HORROR!!!!
