MovieChat Forums > Ed, Edd n Eddy (1999) Discussion > Ed, edd, n' Eddy and Superbad

Ed, edd, n' Eddy and Superbad

Ok I dont know whether Im crazy, but when I watch Superbad

I feel like Im watching EEnE in their senior year, I swear

just look at the characters then youll know what im talking about


totally lol


hahaha good observation dude.... definitely can see it


but which one would be mclovin? edd or ed?



A lil bit. I think they just used a similar formula for their laughs. like I watched "sex drive" (about a nice guy who goes on a road trip to lose his virginity to someone he met online) and again they have a similar formula. Jerk/insensitive best friend, naive nice guy, and the klutzy more free spirited girl.

Nice Guy-Edd
free spirit-Ed

The same formula is always used with slight variations in almost any comedy with more than one main character. Nice Guy, Jerk/smart *ss, and then they thrown in the one oddball to have the other two play off of since they will both naturally have very different reactions to the oddball, the jerk is also almost always the one carrying the plot with some scheme or idea. It's a fairly tried and true formula for average comedy movies. Ed, Edd, and Eddy, just found the perfect balance for their characters making it a cut above the rest.

Other examples (i'm to lazy to look up names so i'll just explain how I remember them:

The Hangover
Dentist- Edd
Zack G- Ed

The Pest
John Leguizamo- Eddy
Chubs- Edd (he's not super sensitive but he's the best friend always helping type)
Ninja- Ed

They also tried similar in "Without a Paddle" but they screwed it up by having two serious guys and the jerk/schemer being an idiot and the humor coming through in the crazy situations. That works better with just two characters.

Guy who played Shaggy in scooby-doo- None
Seth Green- Edd
guy from "lets go to prison"- cross between ed & eddy.

That's what happens when you screw with the formula... you end up with a 5.7 in imdb.


This topic reminded me of this video:

Weird is the new normal.
