Online review

There's an interesting review of this film:

It's funny in places and makes some good points about some of the things which are wrong with the film.

However, I don't think the guy that does the review properly understands the film because he keeps complaining about it being an action film where nothing happens and not knowing who the heroes and villains are.

Universal Soldier is confusing but it is clearly NOT an action film, the fact there is no action kind of proves that.

It's really a melodrama, just not a very good one.

In any case, the review is well worth watching.

I shouldn't really be recommending this review because I know first hand that the guy that wrote it lacks manners as well as the ability to understand a film but I suppose that's another story...


The Cinema Snob character is actually a stealth parody of real life cinema snobs and snobby film critics.

In other words, just have a good laugh with the intentional joke of the character doing the review.

I warned you not to go out tonight


No, that wasn't the point I was making and that isn't the issue I have with him.

There is definitely humour in the review but nonetheless his points are still well considered and effectively put across.

And its quite clear that when he mistakenly calls it an action film it is not an attempt to parody other film critics.

He just got that one wrong, thats all.
