The pimp guy

Does it bother anyone else that Stu kept referring to the pimp by his name as if he knew him on a personal level? Haha, it just bugged me for some reason. Or am I missing something? Did they know each other from a previous day or something? I guess he didn't have much else to call him except "the pimp", but it still bothered me.


It bugged me too. It seemed out of place.


I play cards with J.D. Shelnut, chief of PO-lice! So kiss my ass, you old bastard!


The hookers were screaming for Leon to do something, and named him at the top of their voices. Having heard that, I wasn't the least surprised that Stu noticed.


What I'm saying though is if I just meet someone and hear someone else say their name I don't just start using it as if I've been introduced to them. But I'm weird like that.


Doesn't bother me. Sure Stu didn't like Leon for all the *beep* he was giving him including trying to pound the snot out of him; but he sympathized with the guy because he didn't feel like he deserved to lose his life in that regard.


I always call my pimp by his first name, doesn't everyone?


The hookers screamed Leon's name a number of times. I highly doubt that Stu knew him. If he would've known Leon on a more personal level...than maybe Leon wouldn't have smashed the phone booth with a baseball bat.
