MovieChat Forums > Mission to Mars (2000) Discussion > Why did Gary Sinese look like a botoxed ...

Why did Gary Sinese look like a botoxed lesbian in this movie?

always wondered that. The guy looked really weird. Lt. Dan would not approve


Some weird coloring in his hair and some scary-ass makeup around his eyes.
Would have fitted right into The Rocky Horror Show.


The movie credits "Mr. Sinese's Makeup/Hair" to Benjamin Robin. What are the odds he did the makeup for the drag queens in To Wong Foo...?


'botoxed lesbian' - As we say here in deepest Sussex - 'That made oi laugh!'

"Everbody in the WORLD, is bent"


When I stop laughing, I'll decide whether your statement is homophobic or not, thus whether I should hate you or not !


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Oh man!



His face looked reptilian. I kept thinking of the lizards in V-The final chapter.


He got into Micheal Jackson's dressing-room by mistake.




Oh man, I'm still laughing at "botoxed lesbian" nearly 3 years later!


LMFAO....yeah,he looked like an undead mannequin.


Oh man... Cheers for this. I haven't laughed that long or hard in a long long time :D :D "Botoxed lesbian"? Brilliant!! Spectacularly accurate too. Days later and I *still* crack up every time I think of it. You've made my week with this... No joke!:D


The real reason he looks weird? Sinise has blue eyes, but in this movie for some odd reason, he's wearing dark brown contacts. They don't look realistic. It completely alters his look, makes him look computer-generated.


He might have brown contacts on at some stage, but in the close-ups on the Mars base... he's got blue eyes.


O'Connell looked weird too. Too much tanning and make up.


Geez I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that! That eyeliner was extremely distracting- it's all I could think about in every scene he was in. Did DePalma not look at the dailies and see how goofy Sinese looked? Did Sinese himself not look in a MIRROR?????


I'm thinking that they either over or under compensated because of the fact that a lot of the set is either bright white or dark red. Stuck with one make up meant for one particular set, which worked and then kept it, not realizing how bad it looked on the other sets.

That or the make up artist didn't like the cast much.

"..and three shots disintegrates."
