How does it end?

I'm trying to find a movie I saw ages ago. When I was in the 3rd or 4th grade (which would have been 1983 or 1984), my sister rented a horror movie that we watched that had a burn victim turned murderer. I always thought it was titled, "The Fury", but the only movie by that title I can find is a Brian DePalma film. Anyway, from what I can recall, the guy was burned in a forest fire as a youth, grew up into a horribly scarred hermit living in the woods, and killed campers, but since that was more than 20 years ago, I could be totally wrong. The only thing I am positive about is the ending, in which the guy (who was abnormally tall, BTW) killed everyone is a group, with the exception of one girl who he took back to his cave to be his "bride". You see the outside of the cave, the change of seasons, and by the next spring, you hear the sound of a baby crying. THAT part scared the crap out of me.

Is that movie and this one the same? Does anyone by any chance know what movie I'm talking about?

Thanks a bunch!


The movie you are talking about is "The Prey" from 1980, release to VHS in '84. It has yet to be released to DVD. Anchor Bay supposedly have the rights but haven't found a decent print yet.

I luckily found a VHS of this about a month ago. I really liked it.

If you like that one you will surely like "Don't Go In The Woods" (DVD release next week!), "The Burning" (no DVD yet), and "Just Before Dawn" (on DVD). Backwoods slashers RULE!


Excellent! Thanks so much! I've been looking for this one for years. Should have known to ask my knowledgable IMDB friends sooner. :)


no sorry mate it isn't the same movie that your thinking of, this one end's with a kidnapped child left behind in the forest after the maniac is killed, while yes he is a mountain man he isn't burned in anyway and he lived in a small hut in the forest, killing off campers hope this answers some of your questions feel free to email me if you would like to talk about more horror movies from the 80's or just want to start up a email pal :)
all the best hentaifan ;)
[email protected]
