
I've missed the end, could someone please tell me what happens??


The anime series ends abruptly after a series of filler arcs (the Feng Shui arc is the last arc of the series). There is a single 'wrap up' episode which ties things up a bit, but doesn't really resolve the story - Kenshin and Kaoru are still sort of dancing around each other. Unfortunately you don't get the final arc of the manga, the Revenge arc, which is really outstanding. Parts of the Revenge show up in the 3 OAVs that were released after the series. The last OAV provides another 'ending', but this deviates from the manga.
The last story of the manga, which appears in the Kenshin Kaden artbook, shows most of the cast gathered at a picnic. Kenshin has married Kaoru and they have a son. Aoshi has become a businessman, with Misao tagging along behind him. Yahiko is still training, but is grown up and is with Tsubame. From Aoshi we learn that Saito is off in Hokkaido on some mission. And Yahiko brings a letter from Sano, who is off wandering the world in search of adventures. As the story ends, everything is peaceful in the 16th year of the Meiji.


thank you!


OMG, you mean Kenshin married Kaori and they have son?!! Gosh, I wanna watch that part



Well, unfortunately you cannot watch it - the ending of the manga was never animated. You just need to read the end of the manga - I do love the ending though. It's very sweet.



I didnt like the Feng Shui arc much, but it was better than the Black Knights arc. :-P

I want the Revenge Arc. That is the proper ending of Kenshin as Watsuki wrote it. With the Kenshin Kaden pieces and the Yahiko's sakabato as sidestories.


the ending was good but i perfer the fisrt story line with a yonger kenshin
Thunderbirds Aren't Slow


Isnt the ending like in the last OAV/OVA
MEGA SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!
Where kenshin is very sick and so is kaworu. Kenji their son is a teen learning hiten mitsurugi but yahiko comes and stops him(hiko wouldve stopped teaching anyway). And then in the end kenshin is in kaworu's arms and he dies and doesnt have his x scar anymore. (This seriously touched me so baaad. i nearly cried)




Uh, zafmasahud, Kenji Himura (Kenshin's son) didn't stop because of Yahiko in the OVA. Whle training, he was given the idea that killing humans wasn't an inhumane act and that it was alright. Yahiko, now the master of Kamiya Kasshin Ryu, told him otherwise and gave him his father's sword, the Sakabato.


I love the ending in the last OVA! So beautiful and sad.

I thought what happened to Kenji was that he didn't understand why people thought so highly of his father. When he fought Yahiko he finally understood Kenshin's strength by seeing it passed down to Yahiko.

First, you must discover whose face lies behind this mask, but you must never know my face.


>> (This seriously touched me so baaad. i nearly cried)

me too :(

anyway it seems to be the more realistic ending.
realistic like the OAV of kenshin's past, where NONE has green or blue hair (lol).


The Manga Ending is THE ending not a ending where Kenshin and Kaoru die of some disease...Lame


The manga doesn't really *end* anything in that it doesn't say how Kenshin dies. I like how with the last OVA the story pretty much covers his whole life.

First, you must discover whose face lies behind this mask, but you must never know my face.


THe manga ending is the only acceptable one because the OVA ending wasn't done by Watsuki, only by Sony Studios and Kazuhiro Furohashi (the director). In my opinion, only the original creator can say what is or isn't the ending. Anything else is not canon.

Give me liberty, or give me death!


The real ending is great. Watsuki publically dismissed the OVA ending once. As I recall, they wrote the OVA without him or didn't confirm whether or not he approved of it. Or maybe they just didn't care, I don't remember. What I do know is [SPOILERS BELOW]

Kenshin is slowly losing his ability to use the Hiten Mitsurugi due to the strain the incredible art gives to his rather small frame. He challenges Saitou to a final fight before his skill diminishes but Saitou never arrives at the designated fight area. He apparently loses the will to fight Kenshin. Sano has to flee the country to avoid a major (yet justified) crime he committed against the government. As the years pass, Kenshin is now only a fraction of what he once was with a sword and Yahiko is now an incredible swordsman. Kenshin passes the Sakabatou to him after giving him a final test of batojutsu (Kenshin won). He then retires with his wife, Kaoru and his young son Kenji. This is how Watsuki meant it to end. Happily ever after, not a tragedy.



Man... the OVA ending made me so depressed. It was such a tragic ending...

I'm glad the manga dont end that way, and that's the true end, that I think =)
(I could'nt resist :P)

Captain out


*SPOILER*(not that much but still lol)

i think the OVA ending suits the OVA's dark feeling so it was a good ending for the OVa ans who knows they have to die one day or another so he could have died like that,maybe not just after seeing kaoru but anyway


totally agree with shadowhawk-1 and lott444 i think to in that way.
And the OVA ending wass horible !!!! to *beep* depresing and ugly.


Personally I dislike the OVA ending a lot.
It might be a perfect tear-jerking romantic story if it happened to a different story, but it shouldn't be inserted into RK just like that. It didn't fit a single bit.
I read the comics of RK right from the start to the end. In between I watched some TV episodes that interested me. Didn't watch all because some were just too far-fetched and stupid. (remember that girlfriend the TV people gave Sano? WTF)
It's true that RK comics started off as a jolly and exciting manga for teenagers, but some way in between it got darker and darker, and the peak of this tragic atmosphere was during the Revenge Arc. In the manga, everything came to be okay after all these hardships and the series ended.
Therefore I found it extremely emotionally draining to have a sad and painful ending that was created by the OVA. It was also very unnecessary, like an ugly tail stuck onto the whereas pretty balanced and consistent piece of work.
If you had read the comics right from the start, and compared the mood to the one in the OVA ending, your head would probably explode. It was just too different, just too forced.

If the anime people wanted to spin more money, they should start a new series with new characters and put that tragic blah blah blah into it.


yeah, you said exactly how I felt about it.

Its just a stupid tear jerker to spin more money.

Since its not approved by the author I simply dismiss it as one of those crappy fanfiction, animated.

I'm not even going to bother watching it so not to tarnish the image of a happy ending.
