Just finished

Well, I just finished the final episode HR last night, and I thought overall, the series was pretty good. I didn't like it at first because I think my expectations were too high, and because the plot itself doesn't facinate me. But I loved the season finale, what actually became the series finale. It is a complete shame that it got cancelled so soon, and that it didnt have a proper ending.

Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast.

Eddy Pie Hands!


I too thought the series was rather good. Though I was disappointed by the finale... mainly because it was just another episode. Even though I knew it was cancelled mid-season I was hoping that the final episode would have provided some closure at least, even if it was just a message at the end of the episode as to what happened.
That's not to say the final episode was poor, its just that, I was disappointed more in the fact that the show never got the chance to tell it's story

For what its worth, I felt the 9 episodes that were made were stronger than the first 9 of Millennium or The X Files

I had hoped that the extras on the dvd would provide hints as to where Chris Carter had intended to take the series had it continued but there was nothing - which made his commentary on the pilot all the more annoying - there were so many gaps in it, that he surely could have filled it with information about his purpose for the show.
The only reason I could think of why he didn't do this would be if he intends to continue the story someday - but there's been no sign since that he is remotely interested in doing such a thing

A Shame really, cos like I said, I really did enjoy this series and felt it showed enormous promise


In the commentary it said that they found out the show was cancelled while they were filming the 9th episode.

Seems Harsh Realm was doomed from the beginning... if it hadent been cancelled on it's own (thanx to Fox) it would have been because of Scott Baristow being a child sex offender.

I wish there had been some way for Chris Carter to give us a story conclusion, like maybe in a book series.


Mere goodness can achieve little against the power of nature.


I really liked it but my expectations were pretty low.

