Piano music...


What is the name of the piece that S.L Jackson plays when the Banker invites him into his apartment and asks him to prove that he can actually play? It's so pretty!

Thanks anyone!


In the soundtrack it is titled simply as "Bob And Betty".


I love the ending-tune he plays. He also plays it at the farm. Don't know what it's called though...


That's actually the motif piece. I think it is from three tracks in the soundtrack, which are basically the same, but there are nuances. Firstly the second track, titled "Moth Ballet"; then the sixth track, titled "Musical Rampage", which is when he plays at the farm; and finally the last track, titled "Finale".

It's very good indeed.


Yes, sir. It is very good. Do you still like it? It's been 7 years since you wrote that comment, that's why I'm asking.. People sometimes change their mind.
