The movie poster

This movie is not about Kate Hudson's character. It is about Patrick Fugit's character. he should be on the poster!


Too true.


Actually, I have to respectfully disagree. But let me explain why.

First and likely foremost, William would be the first to tell you the movie is totally about the music. Period. In fact, almost every character in the movie, i.e.; Russell, Jeff, Lester, Sapphire, William, Penny, heck, even Anita all bring you to the epiphany that the music is what is important, it is what has brought them together.
Penny Lane as well as the rest of the "Band-Aids" represent the love of the bands - the love of the music. Which is why we see the band - the music, being played to the adoring crowd - reflected in her glasses.

Furthermore, the poster is like looking through William's eyes. Anita may have introduced him to music, but it was Penny and her Band Aids who made him truly understand how powerful it can be.

So in my opinion, her face on the poster makes perfect sense.

"Good times, noodle salad"


I wanted to make an argument as well, but you said it perfectly.


I've never looked closely at the poster. Thanks for the insight!!!


Exactly. I couldn't have said it better.
