
Traffic still has a much better story/plot than Sicario. Camera work in traffic not that well but Sicario is s beautiful movie to look at but thats just it.


How on earth can you say it's beautiful to look at and that's just it?? The great cinematography is just the icing on the cake in this gem. Great cinematography isn't even essential when it comes to a great film.


In can't believe that I have managed not to watch this film for so long, specially since is on tv pretty much every weekend. But I finally saw the film today, and I'm truly impressed. Great story, great cinematography and great acting. Definitely on my top 10


No way is Traffic better. Sicario is more relevant for today and what's happening at the border with the Mexican cartel.
I'm watching Traffic now, and when it switches to Mexico and they're speaking in Spanish (w/o subtitles), I'm lost. I think I know what's happening, but the players are not clear.


I think both are great films.. I guess I just favored Villeneuve's style over Soderbergh's. Traffic did a great job of balancing interconnecting storylines without turning it into a bloated mess, Sicario to me was cinema in its highest form, every scene was meticulously crafted I just saw it again earlier tonight and knowing what's gonna happen next didn't reduce the amazement at how well set up the scenes were.


Sicario is the superior film, IMO. And as a Spanish speaker I needed the subtitles in both movies sometimes when the dialogue was in Spanish, because apparently it is really hard for Hollywood to get actual Mexican actors. Also, Traffic is yet another movie where Mexico is orange. I did not enjoy Traffic at all, Sicario all the way!


If I remember Sicario correctly it is basically an action film / thriller. Traffic deals with the actual problems - supply, demand and politics. So as a movie about drugs it's definitely superior. I liked both movies but they are different leagues.


If your'e scrutinizing the plot then that simply means you missed the point, every storyline can zigzag its way through a labyrinth and still end up at the same destination point.. look beyond the plot, don't confuse it with story.

I think cinematography is a misunderstood aspect of film-making, just because it's beautiful to look at doesn't mean it has great cinematography. The great Deakins himself said this in an interview, it's not about creating beautiful images, it's about using these images to effectively tell a story.


Well that was a great "cinematography" story that was told in the tunnel when they were assassinating the bad guys -- accomplished.


Deakins just feels his job is done right when you're not focused on the Cinematography, more or less, it's just a part of the story. Not overly fancy, just shot extremely well. His work with the Coen Bros is probably the best examples of this. Most of their work is beautifully shot but not like, idk, a Tarantino film or even PTA film where a the 70mm comes into play, color patels are very important etc... BUT, Deakins WILL do that if necessary. 'The Assassination of Jesse James' is almost purely about the LOOK of the film. It's supposed to look like photos of that Era. It's very tricky stuff. Personally, I think Deakins is just humble because he can be fancy if need be, he just prefers Classic Filmmaking. Like Kubrick shot his films... It's so good that it doesn't even look like he tried (I say Kubrick because even though he had great Cinematographers, he was in charge of every aspect of the film)


Hard to compare the two, different films. Traffic was more hopeful as viewed through Wakefield. Sicario turned idealism into naivete in the form of Kate.

Javier Rodriguez Rodriguez should've gotten the action role and Alejandro the shrewd dealmaker role.

15 years later, pot is legal in many places. Let's see if that makes a different in a few years.

I'll leave the cinematography, camera work, etc to the film nerds out there. I thought the subject matter was more interesting.


Well, I was pretty disappointed with Sicario. It started off well (especially the Juarez scenes) and I thought the plot will be interesting. But then it turned into a superhero story where Benicio del Torres all alone shoots his way into the lair of the top jefe, kills him, his kids and his wife plus all the minders and somehow returns home without a scratch. Just like that. Very thin, this story.


The narrative in Sicario is superior to Traffic. Emily Blunt kind of ruined the film, though.

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Traffic is now looked at as overhyped. Yes, it's a good film. I very much enjoy it but 'Sicario' is better from Top to Bottom. Villenueve is fearless, his films will be looked at for years to come. His stamp is being drilled into Cinema right now. I think his work will stand the test of time. I don't think Traffic has.


Both movies are great but the daughter (Traffic) drives me crazy because she's so fing stupid.
