MovieChat Forums > Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003) Discussion > Solid Movie. Way Underrated and Way Bett...

Solid Movie. Way Underrated and Way Better than Its Followers

The first time I saw T3, I was disappointed, though it did immediately strike me that this was a funnier movie than the first two.

I think the main reason for the disappointment was similar to most fans of the franchise. 1) No Sarah Connor. In fact, Sarah Connor is dead only a couple years after the events of T2! That sucks. And 2) Judgement Day happens after all, which negates the ending of T2.

As much as that seemingly violates one of my rules for sequels- never ruin a plot point from a successful predecessor - I don't have much of a problem with this one because I never really believed that the events of T2 stopped Judgement Day in the first place.

I can say that I've watched T3 twice since that initial viewing, and I have enjoyed T3 more with each.

This is definitely the funniest of the Terminator movies with some great action as well. Claire Danes is always great, and Nick Stahl is one of the better John Connors to be portrayed in movies or on TV.

I also appreciated the sexy female terminator, and this time the fact that she was built to destroy other terminators made complete sense.

Most of all, unlike the sins of T4- Salvation and T5- Genisys, T3 actually advances the story. It shows us John in his twenties, after his mother has died. We meet his future wife. We see how they survive Judgement Day, and best of all, we see how Judgement Day transpires and how Skynet Rises.

It seems that the third movie of a franchise is often underappreciated for some reason, and that is the case here. It is too bad that Terminator Salvation didn't capitalize on this movie or what the excellent series set up for it.



this was a funnier movie than the first two

read some of the threads here... the biggest complaints are that it IS funnier movie. Like that's some kind of sin.

"He's dusted, busted and disgusted, but he's ok"


T2 WAS a funny movie. It just had the right amount of humour, so we can still take the story seriously. T3 only tried to be funny. It did have some funny moments (i.e. the lady terminator staring at the mirror as she walks by), but the overall feeling was that it was forced.

And I had a hard time accepting Nick Stahl as John Connor. I haven't seen Salvation yet, so I can only compare it to T2, but for me Edward Furlong is a much better John Connor, a much likeable and believable character. For example, when Nick Stahl pointed the gun to his own head, threatening Arnie that he would kill himself, that seemed so over the top and hard to believe. It didn't fit into the character we had seen up until that point.



Both T4 and T5 are so horrendous, it's not even a question that T3 is better then them. I thought by default that Genisys would outdo Salvation, a reach that was completely attainable, but I'm not sure it even did that!



I think that this one disappointed people the most as it followed two absolute classics. 4 and 5 didn't have that cross to bear so, while worse films, didn't cause as much disappointment as 3 as people had much lower expectations going in.


No, it is not.

Clark's destiny = Superman, LL &LL.
