From a MASSIVE Terminator fan.

Frustrates me this film after loving the epic first two.

From the go the character that played John Connor at the very start of the film, filmed to be some hardcore revolutionary war hero looked weak. In no way did he fill that role.... Remember T1 with the scene of the future John Connor looking spot on in the part.

This John Connor is a joke. Also the storyline of trying to build John Connor with confidence is a joke too. James Cameron would have never wrote a storyline that way.

I felt Arnie took a paycheck here, and did try to save the film which he did a fair job trying. Watched T1 and T2 yesterday for the Millionth time. This film... Compared is an embarasement. Also it tried to market itself to the Masses being PG13 to make the money. What a piss take T1 was 18 and was done on a shoe string.

Sorry but this movie is the most frustrating sequel to the two previous classics of all time. Need I say anymore. Rant over.


I wouldn't call myself I HUGE Terminator fan...but I'm a Big Action Movies fan...

I've seen all of the Terminator films MANY times...

While I enjoy them all...The first 2 are simply on Another level...

T2 Is truly Something special, Easily one of The greatest Action movies of all time.

I even enjoy just an action movie, I like it, but compared to The first 2 Terminators it doesn't come close...

T3 though is a weird one for me...On some fronts, I feel its VERY UNDER RATED, It truly does on some Great action Sequences, Arnold is very good and I think The Ending was very Risky and did somewhat pay off, but there are some things that are just unforgivable, casting A Female Terminator was A creative Failure on A Epic Level, and Nick Stahl was Awful...

I did enoy your point of view, because I never really thought on T3 from A "Massive Terminators Fan" POV...While I just watch T3 from just A Big Action movie fan POV, and I can enjoy it and can easily forgive some of it faults, But I can now completely understand your POV...

If I were a Massive Terminator Fan, I'd probably be Disappointed to with T3 based on The quality of the first 2 Terminator movies...

Also Terminator Genisys is An absolute Train Wreck...even with me judging it just as An action Movie its still A Disaster...They tried to reboot it with a new timeline similar to "Star Trek in 2009" and My God it failed on an almost unimaginable level...

I bought Terminator Genisys on Blu Ray when it came out last year, I watched it one time, basically hated it....but then last week I watched it again for a 2nd time, and hated it just as much, but this time I hated it enough that I wanted to watch The Original Terminator to get the bad taste of Genysis out of my mouth...So I did, and after watching The Original Terminator again, I'm now in A Terminator mood so I watched T2, and just finished T3 and am about to start Salvation...

Ah Fan- BvS will be the highest-grossing CBM in history, until Justice League(thats 1.519 B)lol


The action pieces for Rise are certainly on par with T2. It was let down by some of the characters being so off putting and the acting was weak-sauce (especially Claire Danes, who reminds me of Princess Vespa in Spaceballs "eww, i can't use a gun!" ... shoots everybody)

They tried to reboot it with a new timeline similar to "Star Trek in 2009"

They are both very similar. they tried to have it both ways, it's both a reboot and not a reboot. they changed everything to try and make it fresh, but tried to keep a lot of it 'original' to cash in on the nostalgia.

Trek tried it with having Leonard Nimoy playing his old character, but Genisys recreated the entire opening sequence of T1 in exquisite detail....and we saw the rest of it.😧

"He's dusted, busted and disgusted, but he's ok"


I agree with you. Thank you for your detailed and intellectual comment and review on my previous thoughts.


"Arnold is very good"

He is always good as a brainless robot. Don't ask him to act though.


@randomdave2012 Remember T1 with the scene of the future John Connor looking spot on in the part.
Was John Connor in T1? I only remember him from the beginning of T2.

Anyways, without James Cameron, they didn't know what to do in the sequels, which is why they screwed up John Connor, as well as the story in general. I think that James Cameron wanted just those two movies, otherwise it becomes ridiculous saving Sarah and John Connor over and over again.


John Connor clip T1:

I agree with you.



@randomdave2012 John Connor clip T1
That picture of John Connor is from T2, when Sarah Connor is narrating before the opening credits. He was played by Michael Edwards. There's no John Connor in T1.


You are correct, my error, seems your even more of a massive Terminator fan. lol.
