MovieChat Forums > The Item (1999) Discussion > Why Do People Hate This So Much???

Why Do People Hate This So Much???

Really? The acting is surprisingly good. The story is crazy but still holds ones interest. The gory moments were all where they should be. I really don't understand why there is so much hate for this movie. Is the wrong crowd watching this movie? Everyone I have shown this to thought it was great.

I'm just a guy that likes horror flicks.


Fess up must be Dan Clark ! This is a pretentious, dusk till dawn , Ichi the Killer want to be that falls so far from the mark it's anger inducing .


gtasg71 is correct; anyone who claims the "acting" was decent in this piece of garbage is the director or one of his family members. It was some of the worst "acting" I've ever seen, sincerely.


Ha! I thought it must be Dan Clark too! Only that guy would say the acting is "good".
