Anita Skinner

I'm amazed she didn't get a career in Hollywood, she's just fantastic in Sole. What a waste :( Oh well, I hope she has a great life regardless. Wish they would have tracked her down for the dvd though


Man, I came here to post the exact same thing!
Has anyone out there any information about her??


I agree. Anita Skinner gave a very fine and sympathetic performance in the lead role. I too wish she had gone on to a much bigger career.

"We're all part Shatner/And part James Dean/Part Warren Oates/And Steve McQueen"


I begged to differ. Her acting was wooden and almost painful to watch. To be fair, all the actors/actresses in this were pretty bad. This movie deserves a remake with actors who have actually studied the craft well enough to sell their roles.

If you love and support Michael Jackson 100%, copy & paste this into your signature. We love MJ!


I watched this movie for the first time last night, and have to admit that Anita's screen presence stole the show for me! She give a very sincere performance, as well as being the nicest eye candy.

It's also nice to see the heroine given an decent script for a change, rather than the illogical dross normally associated with this type of movie.



I vaguely remember the movie. Perhaps I'll give it a second chance. I had been watching a long list of eighties movies one after another and right after each other. It tended to harden my evaluation because of the redundancy in the film style. So perhaps the movie, and Anita Skinner's performance, was better than I gave it credit for.

If you love and support Michael Jackson 100%, copy & paste this into your signature. We love MJ!


>So perhaps the movie, and Anita Skinner's performance, was better than I gave it credit for.

I have to be honest that despite being well done, the pace was rather slow. And it would've benefited from several more subtle references to the entity that was after her and less of the walking dead i.e. in the underground parking scene; imagine how creepy it would've been if the lights went out and a pair of glowing eyes briefly materialised or some such (as referred too earlier on in the radar screen scene and in the trailer)!




So, no one knows what ever happened to Anita?
