MovieChat Forums > Metal Gear Solid (1998) Discussion > Oh Boy already 10 Years! How was your fi...

Oh Boy already 10 Years! How was your first time METAL GEAR SOLID?

Today, the 14th of July, I got Metal Gear Solid togeter with Grand Turismo for my birthday and it CHANGED the way I think of games COMPLETLY. Such an cool hero(to be exactly for me Solid Snake is the BEST VIDEOGAME CHARACTER EVER!), the story is so great, no other game could get only close to that brillant story and characters until today! The boss-fights are extremly intense (PSYCHO MANTIS IS THE BEST ONE) and the real serious story (but with some humor just perfectly mixed)I mean the story feels so realistic and make you thinking about the nukeweapons-politics a very long time even after you have beat the game. And then there are so many references from movies. I THINK IT IS JUST THE BEST GAME EVER MADE.

The sequels and the prequel are good but with the patriots the story gets far more unrealistic.

The Legend Of Zelda Ocarina of Time was my former BEST GAME by the way

If it`s not Jurassic Park, it`s extinct!


oh man this game takes me back...i remember way back when it just came out, i rented it not knowing what i was in for...i was pretty terrible at first (took me an hour to get into the base!) but got the hang of it after a while, and the gameplay, storyline, music, and just everything in the game came together in such a fantastic way. i was completely hooked, and i bought a copy of the game before i even had to return the rental.

a new life awaits you in the off-world colonies!


We, my two older brothers and I, got a second hand playstation from our estranged uncle for christmas 1997, with FF7 and Rayman. These gifts were enough to make up having never met our uncle because he and our mum didnt get on (were all now a really close family.) FF7 and Rayman kept us going for years. Then, in about 1999, we borried MGS from a friend. It took us HOURS to figure out Meryl's codec frequency, we though the CD case was an item we had to find, lol. Hours spent in a cardboard box just for the joy of having a guard say "Mr Box!" (thats what we though he sounded like :P ) I cant believe its so old now.


i here ya man, MGS has come along way since shadow moses. i remember first playing metal gear on a ps demo, then got the full game for christmas. i was 11. gosh, ten years later, and i still remember sneaking across the helipad. Truly, a master of games.

All the best


I first played it in the February of 2007, after buying it from a game store. I was floored. Even without today's sharp visuals, it's certainly a fantastic game.


i got this when it first came out but i rented it first (which was a nightmare when baker says 'the frequency is on the back of the cd case' and i had the video store case not the real one) and it was awesome. i couldnt believe a game could be so cool


I stayed up all night and played it until about 2pm the next day. I want to say it was back in 98. I think I was a junior in high school at the time.

"took me an hour to get into the base!"

I think I was the same way, and all you had to do was get past a few patrols and a camera.


I remember buying this game for my little brother as a christmas present when it came out. I played it once and got hooked, spent more time on it than he did.

I had played the previous Metal Gear games, but was probably the best game I played in that decade.


When I first played it, I thought it was nothing special, but then I got to the first boss fight. I was like "hey cool! a cowboy" then afterwords... oh my god... A freaking ninja... from that point on I didn't stop playing. As it stands it is still my favorite videogame of all time. The story has to be one of the most beautiful and yet action packed ever. I'd say more, but then well, you already know.

Unfortunately, killing is one of those things that gets easier the more you do it.


yea I remember playing it when I got my ps1...but only in y2k...I rented first I was like "wtf is this *beep* I tried to get through, but I kept getting beat...I had previously seen some gameplay of it from a buddy of mine who had his ps1 since launch..I saw him get to the point of beating revolver ocelot...damn it was amazing when I saw a pro play I had to play it too...couldn't even get past the first area of the game....LOL fail on my part...but I bought the essentials collection cuz I wanted all the games...I played mgs1 two times..I still have to play it the third time cuz appareantly gray fox's costume is


the color of spider-mans costume...on the third playthrough if you finish both meryl endings...nonetheless, I can only imagine how the movie will look..probably very *beep* amazing...I mean one fan made movie has been done..and VERY WELL DONE at that..MGS Philanthropy if you have not seen it, you must see's free on their site....just amazing action...great lead voice acting..he matches snake so perfectly..the rest are not that great actors, but they stay true to characteristics of characters in the metal gear franchise...and the ending is *beep* hilarious!


OH GOD all this takes me back to when i first bought it for $60 while most psx games were $40 tops lol but i remember when i didnt buy a memory card n had the game on for an entire WEEK before i bought it, wow it took me at least 60 times to beat Raven on Disc 2 n that "we're not tools of the government or anyone else" speech from Ninja was freaking amazing and it almost brought tears to my eyes n that speech kept running thru my mind the whole least chapter of Sons of Libery when i first heard of the patriots taking control


Now it's safe to say it's my favorite series ever

But the first time I played it I was around 10 years old and for me back then it was impossible to get on that damn first elevator. And when I finally go to the heleport...I just sucked. Haha good times


Vulcan Raven made short work of me the first time around. I have gotten around to finishing the game only relatively recently; a few years back. MGS is one of those games that manages to do well in every department. It certainly is one of the best ever made.


To me this game was a long-lasting dream come true.

After playing the original Metal Gear back in 1987 I was totally hooked. I played and replayed it to pieces (after a couple of runs I was able to clear the game within 6 hours, start to end), spending several sleepless nights doing so. I also played Metal Gear: Solid Snake for a bit before my trusty old MSX2 died on me, likely also played to pieces.

At the time it was a revolutionary game concept - quite different from the general run/shoot or platform games which were mainstream. The whole move-around-without-being-seen (later to be dubbed Tactical Espionage Action) gameplay was unprecedented back then, and that's what I ultimately found so appealing.

Years after the old 8-bit videogames I really missed the sneaking tactics, only to nearly get a happy heart attack when I found out there was going to be a 32-bit version of the franchise. I've never been so exhilarated over a videogame like then. I nearly cried of total bliss at my first play-through of MGS; all the traits and excellence of the old game had been revived, only so much better! Dodging surveillance cameras, punching walls to distract guards, even the cardboard boxes were back! I almost lost it.

Thinking back of the first time I played MGS I still get goose bumps. Metal Gear changed my life in several ways, MGS did it all over again but even better. Hideo Kojima has a special place in my heart!

On a special note: MGS3 kind of felt like coming home after a long trip, even playing as Big Boss instead of Solid Snake. The controls were more mature and felt more experienced and refined, like the characters it represented. Truly epic!
